The Winner of Get-Pushed 234 Is....

January 28th, 2017
Salt Water Woman, @swwoman, is the landslide winner of Get-Pushed 234. Her challenge was to produce a black and white portrait, and she gave us one of the best we've seen in quite a while. Quite an accomplishment for a newbie! Please join me in congratulating her for this awesome accomplishment!

As your reward, Miss Salt Water, you have the honor of choosing the finalists for Get-Pushed 235. Best of luck!

January 29th, 2017
@swwoman congrats...great portrait!
January 29th, 2017
January 29th, 2017
I am totally blown away and honored... there is a tremendous about of talent reflected in this group making this accomplishment all the more surreal. Thank you to everyone that voted for my image...
January 29th, 2017
very well done
January 29th, 2017
January 30th, 2017
Wow. Awesome shot. Well done
January 30th, 2017
@swwoman a well deserved accolade - congratulations.
January 30th, 2017
@stray_shooter I am in the process of opening a discussion on the voting for the 5 finalist for Get-Pushed-235 and am looking for assistance with adding the photos... being a newbie, I am not sure how to get this done... I can get the imbedded links but it does not open the images.. The link How can I format my post does not open... any advice on where to get the help?
January 30th, 2017
@swwoman You're on the right track. When you go to the embedded link, just copy that string and paste that into your post. I find it easiest to open 365 in two separate windows, one with the post that you are editing, and the other showing the photos that you've chosen for the finalists, from which you copy the links.

For more info, at the bottom of the string of posts there is a link "How can I format my reply?" that may provide some further clarification.

Please feel free to ask for more help if needed.

January 30th, 2017
@stray_shooter ... thanks will take another stab at it...
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