Please HELP...

March 5th, 2017
i am honoured and more than a little amazed/surprised that my image took first place in bw-8 Patterns. the others were all good too, each in their own right, and i gratefully thank everyone who voted for my piccie.
now i have a dilemma. it is to me to set the the new challenge but... i have no idea of how to do this, none at all. i'm still getting used to posting images and comments etc.. this is totally new/foreign to me and i realise others will now depend on me for the challenge..
Please, will someone come and explainto me, from the beginning to the end of how i do it.. talk to me like i'm an idiot and it may sink in.. :-)
i have put out an appeal to @Scrivna and the person who ran the last one, @iqscotland.. but, if anyone else can help then please do so, i do not wish to let others down.. thank you, jorlam
March 5th, 2017
congrats on your win @jorlam - very well deserved!

no special skills are required to set up a challenge...

go back to the last challenge that was run and use that as a template... you can copy and paste into a new thread in the themes and competitions section... then change the challenge number and the dates... of course, you do have to pick a black and white theme :)

hope that helps... let me know if you have any questions!
March 5th, 2017
@northy Bless you.. thank you for your time and patience.. and your timely help.. :-)
March 5th, 2017
@northy thanks for the felicitations..
March 5th, 2017
Don't worry about setting it up just now. Take a day or two to enjoy the moment and give yourself some time to come up with a new theme. I'm happy to help you out, as will plenty of others :)
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