Time to do 365

January 15th, 2011
I am just intrigued as to how much time people spend on 365, taking and processing pics, seeing the work of those you follow, leaving comments and exploring the the work of others and discussions. Three hours a day isn't unusual and probably an average. There are days when there is so much to see, discussions etc. You think 'I'll do 365 all in the morning' and then sneak back later and before you know it you've forgotten to eat. Some days I've been working and 365 gets pushed to after 11pm and I suddenly realise it's the early hours. What about you?
January 15th, 2011
I don't spend much time here lately because of everything going on outside of here, but I do try and make an effort to see what's going on with my followers when I get a chance.
January 15th, 2011
I was also wondering about the time question.
I find myself more absorbed in the 365 project than I intended. About three hours a day that I have to cut from other things I used to do. I Learn and enjoy it but I think from time to time that maybe I ought to make a new list of priorities and re think about the meaning of this project and photography for me. I also find it frustrating that despite the many hours I spend here and I do not quite succeed to brows many of the picture of the people here or comment as much as I would like.
January 15th, 2011
Haha... you're right. It's totally consuming. I feel honour bound at least to SEE the entries of those that are kind enough to follow me and it sort of grows! Currently I bet I'm averaging 4 hours a day, mostly 2 hours early morning (pre-dawn actually, although that's not saying much at this time of year) and 2 at night. But it's sometimes more. Also I tend to make a point of making one foray into the outside world for my daily shot.

It's taken over! And it's got to get less when I return to my normal life in spring.
January 15th, 2011
The longest part is FINDING the shot. I'm home most of the time, and everything around me gets boring (except for my kids, hence all the pictures of them). With regards to processing, most of my pics are SOOC, and if not that then they are minimally processed, so that's all of 5 minutes of my time, lol. I am on the sight a lot. I want to see all the photos people upload and I like being able to comment on everyone, so I pop on here frequently during the day, even if for only a few minutes at a time.
January 15th, 2011
EEEK! I am having the hardest time trying to find time to spend on here. I will jump on just to look while dinner is on the stove and the next thing I know dinner is BURNING on the stove and it is 45 mintues later. I am hoping to find some kind schedule so I can check in for a bit in the morning before life gets going and then again at night after work/ dinner/ clean/ kids in bed ~ oh ya, and then I have to fit in the actual taking of the photo. . . .
January 15th, 2011
I'm reckoning about 4 hours physically on the computer surfing / editing / uploading etc. Like @ellida I like to at least look through all the shots that my followers are posting as they take the time to do the same to me. I probably then spend about and hour a day looking for or taking shots. It has COMPLETELY taken over my life and i'm struggling to fit work in!!! LOL. I'm not client facing much at the moment and have no idea how i'll handle this in March when it picks up!! I guess i'll have to give up sleep as well as eating!! :o)
January 15th, 2011
oh my goodness, my husband gets so mad :) he thinks I'm addicted to this site, I'm on it so much. Well, maybe I am. haha
January 15th, 2011
there are some days where i spend 5 minutes (from picking up the camera to posting the picture). there are other times where i might have spent an hour trying to take a picture of three or four different things and come up with nothing and have to walk away from the camera...but the bulk of time i've spent on this project over the last 4 months has been taking pictures outdoors. i've spent up to 2 hours just driving around my local backroads looking for inspiration. i usually have the stereo playing and coffee at hand, so it's never a wasted trip!
January 15th, 2011
I am addicted to this site and the friendship in it too ..
January 15th, 2011
Well,I feel a good deal better now,as I thought I really was becoming addicted,and I was never really computer minded before,as the other 'networking' sites leave me with a slightly bad aftertaste. 365 however, must include some of the nicest folk around the globe and I am enjoying myself so much! I am not a technical photographer,and I never 'process' my pics,just aim and shoot ,as they say! But I am in love with photography,nevertheless, so the time just slips by, often to the detriment of everything else. I live alone now, so who cares?!
January 15th, 2011
I'm with the sorta-addicted group! My free time is spent in photography--taking pics, maybe a little editing if needed, and checking out photography-related things. 365 is my favorite place to be online, and why not? It's full of others who share my passion, and I get to see everyone's fabulous photos, and I learn something new every day...&=)
January 15th, 2011
Yes, I'd say addiction is the right word :) I do spend way too much time here. My facebbook friends are worried about me - where did she go?? lol I love looking through everyone's pictures and then I just have to say something about them. But I've gotten rather attached to the people here, too, and not just their pictures. I keep thinking I need to stop adding new people to follow but it has helped me so much to see how others see the world and show that with their camera and artistic talent. Having said all that I know something has to change in my schedule.
January 15th, 2011
Yep, addicted to, I confess. At least 2 hours/day. If I decide to follow someone, it's because I like their work and want to comment on it. I think it's important to leave comments on the pics I like.... but as there is soooo many good photographers out here and soooo many good pics, that makes a lot lol. But I'll usually come 5-6 times/day, and comment the new pics, instead of spending 2 straight hours in front of the computer.
January 15th, 2011
I put my son to bed at 7pm, and then Im on here till about 10pm but Im also working at my "real" job, Im chatting with friends on face book, and Im just generally making a pest of myself in other sites..
my husband works nights so it doesnt bother him at all that Im on here. it also means that when he gets home Im still awake and we get to spend some time together. lol. Cause if I get off here before he gets home, Im snoring when he gets home..
January 15th, 2011
I usually look and comment when I'm having my morning coffee or when I'm taking a break from my writing. I have no idea how much time that adds up to!
January 15th, 2011
I try to browse the 365 pics when I have a little downtime during the day. I usually just leave it up on my computer so it is easy to access. I love looking at the creative photos for inspiration. But at the same time, I find it a little intimidating. I'm an amateur, but love learning and experimenting. And every once in a while I come up with something pretty cool.
January 15th, 2011
Very interested to hear what everyone has to say. A bit reassured that I am not the only one who might soon have to go to 365aholic anonymous meetings.

@pfmandeville I also find that I love the people on here. I have great people in my neighbourhood and among my friends, but this just feels such a great place to be.

"A photo a day" that'll be about half an hour - I could manage that" I thought when first introduced to 365. It's 6 times that. I have to find a way of getting a balance. I'm getting to the point of having to schedule something that I stick to that is more managable.

@clarissajohal Clarissa, you seem to be so chilled with it, especially as you are so brilliant at commenting on so many, and it doesn't seem to encroach on your time. Good for you.
January 15th, 2011
MIranda, I think what has helped a little (time-wise) is that I don't often go back to my photos and respond to people who comment unless they have a specific question. I just hope they don't feel badly about that because I do so appreciate people's comments.
January 15th, 2011
Just lately I've noticed how bloody long I stay on 365 and leave it up incase something happens on my home wall. SOmedays it takes up all my free time. I love this site, but sometimes it becomes too much of an obsession. I'm hoping this doesn't become unhealthy...

Oh! I just got told to get off of here. no joke.

Anyways, this project is a big part of people's lives because it's an everyday thing. Take a picture everyday. Although it doesn't mean we have to be online everyday.....
January 15th, 2011
Yes, it takes hours sometimes to go through the photos of others and also to search for the daily shot. Like Pamela above, I have now had to give up thanking people for their comments unless a specific question is asked. I feel bad about it but I have to attend to the rest of my life somehow, too. Am now trying to think of a strategy to limit my time here a bit and still get the best out of it. I can't resist coming back countless times during the day to check out everyone's wonderful photos!
January 15th, 2011
Hours and hours and hours. It is so so addictive!
January 15th, 2011
I flit in and out during the day... so hard to put a time on it but yeah I guess it would end up being about 3+ hours....
January 15th, 2011
I am on til late at night so most of my comments are done then. I don;t sleep much, fortunately ;) I look at the popular page and comment on the ones I like on there, which often leads to "following" mre people and gaining more followers. I don't attempt to check out everyone I follow every day, but catch up with their pictures two or three times a week, thus spreading my time between everyone. There are so many amazing photographers on this 365 its almost impossible to keep up. I can easily spend 3-4 hours a day, with finding my own picture uploading etc.. thank goodness all my shots are SOOC except for cropping.
January 16th, 2011
I wish I had more time to spend on here!
January 16th, 2011
Oh wow, I don't spend anywhere near that... but then I am not quite as creative with my ideas and compositions as many are. A husband, kids and a small business keep me very busy. I dedicated about 30 minutes a day to my 365... some days it can be about 5 minutes, and other days I might take my time with processing, but for one image to spend hours is just impossible for me and not really desirable either.

If I spent that much time editing clients images I'd be in huge trouble - I need to edit quickly, and part of my learning here on the 365 is how to edit my images faster without losing quality. That often means taking the best SOOC image I can so that processing time is kept at a minimum. It would be great to have more time to spend on seeking out unique subjects to photograph but typically that is not possible for me; and I'd love to participate in more of the discussions, but again my time is so limited. I think it just depends on where you are in your life and for me right now life is chaotic. I'm just amazed I've made it this far in my 365 because I often do not stay this dedicated to something - I'll just be happy when I've really completed it :)
January 16th, 2011
Put me in the addicted class too. I just started with the new year but I find myself browsing constantly from home or my phone. However I'm with those that prefer my shots sooc. I do very little but crop or add my signature. For example the one today, I just signed and uploaded. I prefer to let my camera do the work instead of me. :)
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