January challenge - 64 Million Artists.

January 2nd, 2024
I hope to do the January challenge by 64 Million Artists this year.

Every day they set a different task you can do if you want to. I have included the 1st weeks tasks if anyone wants to join in. You can use the tag "64-Jan2024-w1" if you are joining in.

1 - Poster for a better future. What change (big or small) would you like to see in the world this year? Think up a slogan or message that captures that change and create a poster with your message which should be bold, short & colourful. Your poster can have drawings or photos.
2 - From my window. Look through a window for a moment and capture what you see.
3 - Dots. Create a simple pointillist image taking no more than 10 minutes. You can use any round object and material - paint, ink etc. You can create a pattern with the dots or recreate an image on a page.
4 - Letter from an object. Write a short letter to yourself from an object you use everyday.
5 - Wait a minute. You can either go to a craft drawer if you have one or your recycling bin and take out whatever is in there. You then wait at least a minute before creating your piece of artwork.
6 - A journey with purpose. Imagine you are going on a journey with purpose. It is up to you to decide what the purpose is, where you are going & how you will be travelling. You then draw (or photograph) the bag you are using and its contents.
7 - 10 Minute storytelling. For 1 minute think of a central character and if there are other characters. For 2 minutes describe using all your senses the location for your story. Between 3 & 5 minutes build the scene using what the central character wants or desires, the obstacle that is preventing them getting what they want, the tactic they use to try and overcome the obstacle, whether or not they are successful. For the last 3 minutes if you want you can create a script.

If you are joining in this week the tag is "64-Jan2024-w2"

8 - Act it out. Do something you do everyday in character - e.g. wash your teeth as a secret agent or cook dinner as a witch brewing a potion.
9 - Your warmest friend. Draw a simple picture of your warmest friend in any style you like. Add the colour they remind you of.
10 - Your earliest memory. Write down your earliest memory (or old photo) as if you were telling it to someone. Alternatively you could take a couple of words or phrases and play with them e.g if you remember sand and wind on the beach you could write:-
Sand and wind, wind and sand,
Sand in the wind, wind in the sand.
11 - Using your voice. Think of a song you love or means something to you and either sing or hum to it.
12 - Fanzine. Create a fanzine and fill it with a list of things you love - 1 thing per page maybe with illustrations.
13 - That peaceful place. Find a way to capture the place that brings you a sense of peace and calm.
14 - Hello me. Find something to draw on. Close your eyes and breathe slowly in and out to a count of 3. Then ask yourself how you feel at the moment. Choose 1 or 2 colours you are drawn to and get drawing/ painting utensils in those colours. Draw a shape that represents how you feel.

If you are joining in this week the tag is "64-Jan2024-w3".

15 - Rainy day dance. Get dressed for the weather, go outside & dance. If you are staying inside to take part in this challenge open your curtains & enjoy the weather as you move.
16 - If I knew then... Think of a challenge or negative experience that you have overcome or come to terms with. Write a survival guide for your younger self or for others who are were you once were.
17 - An important date. Create a 2 x 4 grid of 8. In each box write a number to represent a special date to you. Draw a line between each number so when you're finished you should have an abstract looking design. Add colours over the lines or between the spaces so you have an abstract print.
18 - Your space. Imagine a space you can call your own. It has 4 walls, a floor and a ceiling - what would this look like for you? Today's challenge is to create this space for you either physically or electronically.
19 - Word art. Choose a word you're drawn to today. Today's challenge is to create that word using calligraphy writing, drawing or using any objects or tools you like.
20 - Poem in a bottle. Think of a favourite TV show or story. Write a love letter to the show with some details of the show and how it makes you feel.
21- Card tower challenge. Build the tallest tower you can using cards in 60 seconds.

If you are joining in this week the tag is "64-Jan2024-w4".

22 - Dress up day. Dress today as if you are going to a party.
23 - Shape shifting. Create a character using foil, a toy or magazine cut-outs. Place them on a surface and take a photo, move them slightly and take another photo with your phone or camera in the same position & repeat this as many times as you want.
24 - Shadow moments. Use a light or sunlight to create a shadow of something on a piece of paper. Trace the shadow to create an outline and use this outline to create an abstract print of your object.
25 - Bring it to life. Choose an object that is important to you. It can be something of sentimental value or something you use everyday. Start free writing (which is writing the words as they come to your mind). You can think about what you can see, feel, hear, smell or taste whilst holding the object. Think about how the object prompts additional feelings internally. Write for up to 10 minutes.
26 - What music inspires. Create a mark on a page in response to whatever music or sounds you are listening to or hear .Think about what textures or shapes it inspires.
27 - You learn something new everyday. What intrigues you today? Follow your intrigue - could you learn a new word in a different language or learn a fact about a country you've either been to or not been to?
28 - Find a tree. Visit a tree or trees or find videos or images of trees. How do you feel? What catches your attention - the sight, sounds, smell or taste? Draw, write or express in sound what the experience was for you.

If you are joining in this week the tag is "64-Jan2024-w5".

29 - Self Portrait.
30 - Reimagine your favourites. Choose your favourite movie or book and reimagine the ending.
31 - Creativity is ... What does creativity mean to you? Finish the sentence "Creativity is ..."
January 2nd, 2024
This is interesting and I shall give it some thought
January 2nd, 2024
@ankers70 Looking forward to seeing what you do.
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