Grocery Challenge

May 11th, 2011
If nobody likes this idea just let the topic scroll down the page and eventually disappear. It was just an idea that I had that I thought was interesting.

Take pictures of items at your favorite grocery store. Enough to feed a family for a week (3 meals a day, 7 days a week). Get stuff for breakfast, lunch, dinner and a few snacks. You also need paper plates, and things to eat with (forks, knives, spoons, napkins).

Your budget is $50. I figure the time to take the pictures is a couple of weeks from whenever the first pic is up. If you would then post what you took a picture of and what the total value is.

I just hope someone is willing to participate. I think it will be interesting to say the least.
May 11th, 2011
paper plates? cant we use china? thinking green here? plus I wouldnt buy paper unless I was going on a picnic. and I wouldnt do a picnic for all three meals plus snacks...
and you say feed a family? how many in the family.. as it would be impossible to feed a family of six 3 meals a day for 7 days on 50 bucks..
May 11th, 2011
family, mom, dad, kid (there are 3 people who live in my house, me and my parents and I'm no kid but still). It doesn't have to be for your family just any family. How are you going to get china for $50 (guess a flea market maybe) you'd have to buy dishwashing liquid then.

Ok, how about $100 limit? would that make people participate?
May 11th, 2011
I agree with @nikkers, most people already have their dishes and use them more than just for one week. I think that should be excluded. I agree that you should up the price to $100.
May 11th, 2011
This is in intriguing idea, with so much news coming out about drastic cuts for programs that help families in need. Many families must live on $300-400 a month.! (is that possible?!) I just live with my boyfriend and three cats and we easily spend over 100.00 a week on food.

Maybe your intent wasn't to raise awareness, but this project could do that, and it would be really cool. So, I'm in ...with using my existing dishes and spending either $50 or $!00.00.
May 11th, 2011
Just thinking That I would not buy dishes as I already have them,, .

Im guessing there are people out there on a very tight budget and they live on $50. weekly .
I could do the $50. .but are we just buying staples and using whats in our cupboards already or do we have to start from scratch..
Meaning I have salt / pepper / flour / rice/ pasta/ etc already.. are these allowed from our own cupboards or do we need to buy them again..
and then if we do.. it is wasteful for me to do this challenge...
I mean I would use them at later date..but if I have just bought say new cooking oil at 5 to 10 dollars I wont buy another for the challenge.

Not meaning to be a downer as I think its a great challenge , but I think more specifics are needed.
May 11th, 2011
I don't think the whole message got through in my original post. I am not intending for people to actually go out and buy this stuff. Just to go out and get the pictures of what they would buy. You take your camera to the store and get the pictures of the products.

If you already have the items at your house by all means take a picture of them there and guesstimate at what the total is.

Maybe it was a bad idea. This was my first attempt at doing a challenge, maybe I should have just kept in my head since it all came out wrong. I just thought it would be interesting was all.
May 11th, 2011
@chillbill .

Hey Bill, Like I said I didnt mean to be a downer,. and maybe I read your challenge wrong..

It isnt a bad idea. and now that I know I dont have to go out and buy everything I will give it a try.. :)
May 11th, 2011
Not trying to rain on anybody's parade: Keep in mind that a grocery store is private property and you might be prevented from photographing inside the store.
Just my 2 cents. :-)
May 11th, 2011
its not a bad idea I think its a good one with the cost of everything going up (except wages) I think people should be aware of what they are buying and how they can save money and maybe even cut things out of their diet (I feed a family of six on about $500 a month)

I dont think people can take photos at a store unless they have a camera phone and can sneak it stores really don't like that kinda thing ...but maybe people can get the stuff bring it home and then take a photo and this way they can price what they already have at home from what it should cost.

I agree about the dishes things you already have should not cost (btw most of my dishes came from grams after she passed and the rest I got a the dollar store for cheap...but thats because you have never seen how my kids put the dishes in the sink ...yikes)

can we use coupons?
May 11th, 2011
@relicsong sure, coupons are fine as long as you aren't one of those coupon crazy ladies who gets $600 in groceries for like $6.00, lol
May 11th, 2011
Ok, didn't know about that. I know I've never had anything said to me about taking photos in the grocery stores but I got a camera that can fit in my pocket. I get shots of products I think are funny or just have a funny name. (Chocolate and strawberry filled twinkies, licensed products for different people that shouldn't be on that product, etc.)
May 11th, 2011
@chillbill It is never good to keep a new idea only in your head, and it is nice to follow the conversation to see where this could go. I think it would be more interesting if we did have to buy the food (since I am already there to get said food anyway). My biggest challenge is that I only cook for one and cannot even imagine how to cook for a family for a week. Also I live in Center City Philadelphia where food is a bit marked up at my grocery store, but I am usually at $100 a week with meats and out of season produce.

@demetriceanntia @relicsong Whole Foods has not had any problems with my macro, dslr and myself taking pictures of anything yet. Now I do try not to hold up areas or get in others ways, but they are pretty cool about not even noticing my photograph studio I set up in produce.
May 11th, 2011
@chillbill . I saw that show a couple of times , and omg they are way off their heads....
They dont even buy real food.... yikes to be in their house!! lol
May 11th, 2011
@nikkers It's not a bad idea! I'm with @brumbe, though -- I only cook for one, so my budget is closer to $50 than $100.

Does lunch at work count? I stopped brown-bagging lunches now that our cafeteria has more low-sodium and heart healthy options. It's still hospital food on a foam plate, but they really are trying to serve healthier foods and educate us on better choices.
May 11th, 2011
@nikkers Weird thing about china, it's more convenient to reuse but not actually greener, unless you manage to use it over 1000 times (note that this comment's based around a study done on china mug vs paper cups)

In a family house not much china seems to survive that long...

Granted it's way cheaper to buy china than paper plates for the same amount of time, china mug 99p @ikea paper cup in bulk with no lid 17p or so... Plates are cheaper for paper but still at least 2-3p a plate.

The reason it works out is the sheer amount of energy needed to make the plate/mug, also paper ones are recyclable...
May 11th, 2011
@brumbe that's fine with me. All families are different. I like reading all of the comments. I am just hoping people actually participate. Like I said earlier I never started one of these competition things and didn't know it was such a hassle.

@kchuk lunch at work is fine (don't know how you are going to get pictures of it but good luck). I'd appreciate it if you could give a rough estimate of the total spent and all though. That is a really a core part of my original idea.
May 12th, 2011
Okay, just for the price range what currency are you using. I talked with my co-worker who has three school age children, her mother and her husband in the house so they are a family of six. She does a lot of big box wholesale shopping and uses coupons and says right now that buying her groceries averages about $200 a week if she is providing healthy meals with fruits, meats and not a lot of pre-processed food.

I just spent about $50 for my weekly shopping without buying any staples.
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