A-Z Color Challenge(:

August 1st, 2011
Hey y'all! I know a lot of you have already posted your August 1st picture but I am going to tell about a challenge I have come up with!
So it's like an ABC challenge but for A you take a picture of something that is a color that starts with A.
For instance!


Feel free to do the same and post pictures here! Oh! And if you don't want to post the pics, tag the picture with "A-ZColor"
August 1st, 2011
that's a really cool idea! what are you going to do once you get to X or Q?
August 2nd, 2011
I think Google will be able to help with those two, lol. Interesting idea!
August 2nd, 2011
Cool! I like this challenge. This will be incorporated into my project as a weekly posting.
August 2nd, 2011
This thread could get gigantic with everyone participating adding pictures for the whole alphabet. How about coming up with a tag for the group?
August 2nd, 2011
How about "A-ZColor" ?
August 2nd, 2011
'A' is for Apricot

Ok, I've begun. Just let us know what the tag for the group should be. :-)
August 2nd, 2011
@rleonard •Quencienta a indigo blue colour .quince.Xanthic a yellow colour :)
August 2nd, 2011
I like this!!! Thanks for the idea!!!
August 2nd, 2011
Cool, I just so happened to post an 'A' color today...just like yours...Aquamarine.
August 2nd, 2011
@sarahhorsfall Which could in itself get to be pretty huge, depending on how many people take part. Maybe a separate tag for each letter... e.g. Acolor; Bcolor, Ccolor, etc?
August 2nd, 2011
@dmortega I think a weekly posting of a color would be a good way for me to incorporate this challenge also. I definitely do not think I am ready to commit to a daily color theme challenge!
August 2nd, 2011
@sarahhorsfall @marilyn ---- Ok, I see the tag is "a-zcolor". Ok then.
August 16th, 2011
just noticed this challenge .. what a great idea
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