Book Challenge

October 1st, 2011
After doing the 30 day song challenge, I thought I would come up with a 30 day book challenge. Basically, come up with a creative book cover.

Day 1: Favorite book
Day 2: Least Favorite book
Day 3: Book turned into movie
Day 4: A book that forever changed you
Day 5: Favorite fiction book
Day 6: Favorite non-fiction book
Day 7: If you wrote a book, what would you title it (and what would it be about)?
Day 8: A childhood favorite
Day 9: A book you have read more than once
Day 10: A book series (ie: Harry Potter or Twilight)
Day 11: A book you have not read yet but want to
Day 12: Favorite type of book (ie; fiction, biography, history)
Day 13: Favorite quote from a book
Day 14: A book by your favorite author
Day 15: A "My Adventure Book" (like on the movie "Up"... what would be your adventure?)
Day 16: A "National Geographics" Cover (a photo you would put on the cover)
Day 17: A book with a sad ending
Day 18: A book with an happy ending
Day 19: A Science-Fiction book (you can create your own title for this one... doesn't have to be a real book)
Day 20: Create a "how-to" book
Day 21: Create a recipe book
Day 22: A childrens book
Day 23: A book about animals
Day 24: A book you found hard to put down
Day 25: A book you never finished
Day 26: A book you are reading now
Day 27: A book you read last year
Day 28: A book that discribes you (in a sense)
Day 29: A best-seller
Day 30: A book you (would) have on a coffee table

And since there are 31 days this month, if you want...

Day 31: Any book you want

Anyone else up for it? Tag your photos octbook
October 1st, 2011
This sounds fun, think I'll join some of the days!
October 1st, 2011
October 3rd, 2011
October 3rd, 2011
October 5th, 2011
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