NEW mundane-abstract challenge - ROCK

July 25th, 2015
Hi fellow 365ers
It seems that the abstract version of the mundane challenge has fallen away but I kind of miss it. So I thought it might be useful to start it again and see if anyone is interested in doing it. Do let me know in the comments what you think about getting it started again.

Always chosen by the winner of the last mundane challenge, the mundane abstract subject is the same. As the winner of the last mundane challenge, Deb @dejongdd has chosen the new mundane object which is ROCK.

Your abstract image must differ from your mundane image, so you cannot double tag your posts. You can be more imaginative in the use of the item for this abstract challenge. You are free to use any photographic technique you would like to create an image of this mundane object in an abstract way.

You may enter as many photos on the subject as you'd like, but they need to be taken during the challenge time frame to be considered for a finalist.

******* Please tag your entries: abstract-rock *********

The challenge dates are the same as the mundane dates, so we can start today: Saturday, July 25, 2015 and will run until Friday, August 7, 2015.

Voting will take place from Saturday, August 8, 2015 until Tuesday August 11, 2015 and the winner will be announced Wednesday, August 12. The winner will then host the next challenge after the mundane object has been chosen.

You can check entries here: abstract-rock

It would be great if you also shared them on this thread to help inspire others!

As always, the challenge is open to everyone and I encourage everyone to take part in the challenge – it’s fun and a great way to make something abstract out of something normal.

Here is a list of objects that have already been used: ice, toothbrush, screwdriver, veggie peeler, bar of soap, scissors, electric plug, paper clip, jar, language, cardboard, toothpick, hex key, hair comb, screw, button, key, coin, ballpoint pen, shoe, glass, plastic bag, thread, books, lightbulb, toilet paper, envelopes, door handle, tea bag, broom, tin can, egg(s), shoelaces, clothes peg/pin, wheel, mailbox, pill, bottle, chain, zipper, seed(s), vegetable(s), cutlery, playing cards, mobile phone, pasta, chair, camera, blanket, paper, rubber, tack, hanger, index finger, mouse (non furry), sock, bubbles, candles, bread and beds, tap (faucet), strainer, match, umbrella, paintbrush/es, corkscrew, stairs, mirror, rock.

July 25th, 2015
will try and get involved :)
July 25th, 2015
well i live on a great big rock so even though i rarely get out nowadays i have no excuse not to try :o)
July 25th, 2015
I like this one. Going out this morning to an area that will be good for that!
July 25th, 2015
July 26th, 2015
Thanks for starting this up, this challenge has missed a few this year. I like to follow this one
July 26th, 2015
July 26th, 2015
@wenbow @aat3877
Yeah, I like it too. Hope we get some cool entries!
July 26th, 2015
@annied @gozoinklings
Great, looking forward to seeing them.
July 26th, 2015

Does a conglomerate in concrete count as a rock?
July 26th, 2015
@fotoblah Not sure! But its a fab abstract none the less!
July 27th, 2015
Where is the mundane rock thread? is there a tag for that?
July 27th, 2015
@dibzgreasley thank you! :) No wonder I couldn't find it, wasn't in the challenges forum.
July 29th, 2015

This was fun.
August 4th, 2015
@dibzgreasley Is the tag mundane-rock or abstract-rock? I'm confused.
August 5th, 2015
@aat3877 Hi Ann

The tag is abstract-rock as it says in the narrative at the very top.

Hope that helps
August 5th, 2015
August 11th, 2015
@hippiechick13 Wow. Love the 3D motion effect. FAV.
August 13th, 2015
@dibzgreasley Hi Debs, I had a couple of thoughts and questions about the competition and would like to see what you think. First, why is this competition and the mundane so closely aligned? Second, do you think it would be alright to make a couple of changes? I think that I got confused because the names are so close to the same. What if we called it something like ordinary abstract or commonplace abstract? Also, could we have a different topic? Having two competitions with the same subject was a little confusing especially with the names being so similar. Just a couple of thoughts. I would like to keep this going but would like your thoughts on these two ideas. Thanks.
August 13th, 2015
Hi Ann
I like your ideas especially about calling it something different. To be honest I am not entirely sure why it runs as it does - I just resurrected it in its current form (and you see that people have some thoughts about this) and I don't know who started the challenge either as it was running when I joined last year.

So my suggestion is to ask the community what they think (but be prepared for many different suggestions) and then try it a new way if you want to, as a new challenge or whatever.

Over to you! Be creative and have fun. Go for it!
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