M42 lens adaptors ...

September 2nd, 2010
Has anyone any experience with M42 lens adaptors on a DSLR camera? I've spent the afternoon flicking through eBay and have found all manner of cheap and cheerful lens (Mostly Russian) that come from regular SLR cameras but can attach to a DSLR with a M42 adaptor ... (Do a search on 'M42 lens' to see what I mean)

Might splash out £5 on 55mm and see what happens ...
September 2nd, 2010
no experience - sorry- but I've been on the M25!
September 2nd, 2010
You are not my sister ...

(But have just eBayed a lens and adaptor for £10 ...)
September 2nd, 2010
What's the purpose of it?
September 2nd, 2010
It's so you can a SLR prime lens (Or tele-foto) and attach it to your DSLR. As I said to my dear sister, I've just bought a 58mm prime lens of eBay for £2.85 and the adaptor for £3.50 - with postage it comes to a tenner ... If it all works as should (And that's a big IF), then I could have a prime lens for 1/10 of the rrp of a Canon one ...

The majority of lens come from Russia, who just happened to nick Carl Zeiss's research at the end of WW2!

Just wondered if anyone else had tried ...
September 3rd, 2010
I did a conversion to get an enlarger lens to mount onto my Nikon for some ultraviolet work. I got an M39 to M42 adapter, then a M42 to Nikon F, then different sized extension tubes for focusing. (enlarger lenses have no focusing ability to them) It was a pain, but it worked.

One thing to look out for is if the lens fits back too far into the body, it may come in contact with the mirror. I tested this by first mounting it on my F5 which has a manual mirror lockup, so I could slowly open the mirror to test for interference. Also, if the lens doesn't fit back far enough you may not be able to focus at infinity.

You will not have auto aperture, so you'll have to focus while the lens is wide open, then stop down (which will make your view finder darker) then take the photo.

Good luck.
September 3rd, 2010
I have wondered about these myself as the shop near my has all manner of old SLR primes for dirt cheap, but they also warned me that they dont recommend these adapters. Could it be to try and sell me something more expensive? I'm curious if it works for you.
September 4th, 2010
Not all cameras are M42 friendly - Nikons in particular are not because the lens-camera distance is greater than required for M42 lenses, thus infinity focus is not possible.

More detail here:

You can kinda hack your lenses or your adapter to make it work, but I doubt it'd do the kind of job you were hoping for.

Canon, however, it is apparently doable because the lens-camera distance is smaller than M42, therefore with the right adapter you can get infinity focus.
^This is quite morbid in a 'why are you wanting to use manual lenses with Canon EOS you crazy person look at all these problems' kind of way, but does give you a lot of tips and troubleshooting advice.

And me with my Pentax is the exact right size so with an official Pentax K-to-M42 adapter I can just slot my lenses on and be on my way 8D
October 7th, 2010
Just to follow up on this ... I've now got two M42 type lens - a 58mm (Cost £4.60 and is now my main lens!) and a 135mm (Cost £9.99) and love them! Yes you have to manually focus it and the camera can't pick up the aperture detail, but it's photography back to its roots.

Some examples of the 58mm:

October 18th, 2010
what were you doing to be so close to Mr Caine? green eyed monster here.

Like what I'm seeing, going to follow the leads ... short of reading copious amounts will these work with my Canon 5D (original - Mark I)?
October 18th, 2010
@misschuff - Micky was doing a book signing and the place was heaving with people .. Following week Nick Mason (Pink Floyd) was there and it was deserted!

WIth the 5D you have to ensure you get the correct fitting as the mirror lense in the camera is bigger than the cheaper Canons. I'm at work at present, but will try and remember to look it up properly tonight.
October 18th, 2010
doing a search in ebay to case it out ... thanks ...
October 20th, 2010
@edpartridge - a fellow I've recently linked in with close to me has HEAPS of old camera's and lens', and some M42 ones that we're going to play with. yahoo!
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