Fashion/Event Photography

March 26th, 2013
I have a friend who's a journalist, and she asked me if I would like to take photo's for a fashion event that is going on next week. I've never photographed an event like this so I'm super nervous that i'm going to mess it up somehow. There is a part before the show where there will be booths outside and everyone will be buying stuff, and i'm ok with that. The part that worries me the most is the runway show. I have an external flash but I've never used it before. Is there a wrong way to use flash?? I don't want to bring my tripod because I think it might be more of a hindrance than a help having to carry it around everywhere. Anyways, any tips would be very helpful!! Thanks 365ers!!
March 27th, 2013
I agree that you shouldn't bring a tripod. Do you have a zoom lens? I would think a 70-200mm f/2.8 would be perfect. There are shops that rent them. Definitely use your flash and just have fun. What type of camera and flash do you have?

Experiment with full shots, 3/4 shots, headshots, etc.
March 27th, 2013
hello nadah, your correct about the tripod, leave it at home. As far as your flash. if you have never used it before i don't if it would be wise to do a crash course on external flash this close to an event. i would put the flash on auto ettl mode and it will probably give you satisfactory results. I also prefer to use a diffuser cap on a flash so the light hitting your subject is not as harsh as direct flash. you can pick one up for your particular flash at most camera stores. Stoffen makes a nice small slip on cap for around $20.00 US Currency. The diffusers work best when you tilt your flash head at a 45 degree angle. I hope this info helps you in some way. But i would highly recommend taking the time when you have some, and learning how to use your flash on manual settings in different situations. Don't be nervous. your friend must have asked you to do this because she likes your work. good luck and have fun!
March 27th, 2013
@mdfphoto I've got a Canon t3i and the flash is vivitar auto focus zoom 728afc, its my dads and its at least 15 years old :) but it still works when I tried it out! And yes, I have a zoom lens 75-300 and I love it! Thanks for tips!

@photodude thanks Scott! Ill look into the diffuser cap :)
March 27th, 2013
You know that old film flashes don't go on modern digital cameras right? they make them blow up and stuff because the rating is not the same as the output of modern ones. So that's that out the window. You need a Yongnuo or Canon flash that suits your camera and they start at about $50 for a cheap one. You're going to struggle without one, but equally its weeks of learning. Maybe bring someone else on board with the know-how for this event and get your head around this complicated issue for the next event. Trust me on the old flash, however if you look online you might find out if this one is safe to use with your Canon. Other option is use an old film camera of your dad's but then you've gotta know even more what you're doing with flash.
March 27th, 2013
Nada I tried runway at Fashion Week - wow was that tough. Got to shot fast moving models. No real advice but good luck and have fun.
March 27th, 2013
of course you will want to practice beforehand! if it is going to be inside, go to a mall and see what you get with a flash. then you can concentrate on the photography and no so much the camera. more fun that way!
March 27th, 2013
@michaelelliott @mwbc Thanks you!
@chewyteeth Thanks for the warning! Im going to look into that
March 28th, 2013
Rent or get yourself the 70-200 f2.8. This is a fantastic lens and if you have it at f2.8 you might be able to get away with not using flash.

I would personally avoid flash if you can, and that is coming from someone that loves flash photogrpahy. ;-)

The reason why I say that is.
1) if you dont know how to use it the images might just look like crap.
2) I could annoy the people at the event.
3) It will just over complicate things for you.

If the place is dark you might have issues with noise given you camera body. Anything above 800 ISO on this camera gets a little noisy for me.

It is really going to be a trail and error on the night as you will have to compensate for dark areas, moving subjects, and finding the right position for the shot.

Now having said dont use flash, get/rent at Canon 580 or a 600, so if you find you have to use it you have it handy.

I would point the flash 45 degress up and as suggested put it in E-TTL mode with a defuser on.

You best take some spare batteries as you will get around 100 shots at full power and if you are covering the whole event and you use it all the time you will need spares.

March 28th, 2013
Oh yeah leave the tri-pod at home.. They are only good for selfies and long exposures, non of which you will need.

@mwbc @michaelelliott @chewyteeth @photodude @mdfphoto
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