Getting permission

November 3rd, 2013
Yesterday at the farmers' market I took a few random shots. One of them pleased me quite a lot but it features an unknown person. Do I need this person's permission to post this pic on 365 project?
November 3rd, 2013
Hi Maggie... the law varies from place to place, but in general, it is legal to take pictures of random people in public places and share them as you please... street photography is a time honoured (although often debated) genre, and there are tons of street photos on 365 (including many in my project)... certainly i've never sought permission to post my shots... and i expect in many of the other street photos, permission wasn't sought or obtained their either... :)
November 3rd, 2013
Thank you, ☠northy. I'll blame you if I get sued … Just joking.
November 3rd, 2013
In the UK is is perfectly legal to take street photographs of people in public places and to post them on websites if you wish. The only time permission is required is if they are to be used commercially for advertising purposes and then model releases are required, whether the person is recognisable or not. Model releases are not required for editorial use. However, in France street photography is technically illegal although I have taken that sort of photograph there!

Markets are brilliant places for street photography - looking forward to seeing yours.
November 3rd, 2013
I would just add as long as it's an adult, there's probably no problem. But with children, it's a bit touchy, so just use discretion.
November 3rd, 2013
@olivetreeann The letter of the law in most places in the United States doesn't differentiate adult or child, but yes, it can cause a lot of unnecessary noise and upset even if you have the law technically on your side.
November 4th, 2013
My experience is that some of the markets will forbid photography and usually a sign is listed at the entrance of a market (don't know if you are talking an open air market). I believe it is usually also to protect the employees there. I called an Asian market ahead of time because I wanted to see if I could take some photos of produce there, but they informed me that they strictly forbade photos. It's good to check ahead of time; just FYI.
November 4th, 2013
As long as they are in a public place and not on private property, it is OK to use their photograph. If they are private property, like at their home, then you should get permission.
November 4th, 2013
My experience forbid takes some shots as the people are from Amish. They said okay to take shot their buggy and horse. I respect their wish no photography of their faces.
November 4th, 2013
Thanks to all of you above for your assistance with this question. I shall post the photo in question tomorrow…. 5 Nov NZtime.
November 14th, 2013
You have heard of the papparazzi, right...They sure don't ask for permission and they are paid well for the "money" shot asitwere. I agree, taking a random picture of an adult and posting is fine. I personally draw the line at minor children I won't take their picture no matter how darn cute they are if I don't know them! If I do know them I will take picture, but very cautiously post on social media, etc.
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