
December 22nd, 2013
I just started my own journey on a year-long photo adventure and wondered what motivations everyone uses to keep their pictures interesting each day?
December 22nd, 2013
I try to take an interest in everyday things, and when I get in a slump (and there WILL be slumps), what works best for me is to grab my favorite 50mm lens and just walk around looking at things through the camera; you'd be amazed by how something simple like that can re-motivate you!
December 22nd, 2013
I use a lot of Little People and the Word of the day.
December 22nd, 2013
the challenges are fun - and word of the day as bulldog said :o)
December 22nd, 2013
It will make you more aware of whats around you also the weekly theme can get the mind going have fun
December 22nd, 2013
I use word of the day and made a list of things just in case my creativity failed me on a day. Also it is your project so make your own rules . By doing this it will help you when the phojo is not happening. Enjoy it as well.
December 22nd, 2013
Just as Aaron says. It's all around you.
December 22nd, 2013
Sometimes it's just taking a photo! If you expect something great everyday you are likely to be disillusioned/give up.
Your project, your rules - if you're not happy with what you take one day you need to decide if you post something you took anyway or use a "filler"
I follow a mixture of people - some take fantastic photos frequently, some show me what life is like in other parts of the country/world but the interaction keeps me going.
I have noticed that those who walk dogs daily have the most interesting local outside shots - getting a dog to improve you're photography is probably a bit extreme and not the best reason to become a pet owner. :)
December 22nd, 2013
I have three main things I fall back on when I reach a slump. One is to take a photo trip to one of my favorite places to photograph. One is to shoot one (or more) subjects from various angles and points of view (and sometimes with different exposures). The last main thing is to take a ten to twenty minute walk through my house or my yard and find photo new photo subjects. I like and have tried all of the above ideas, except for Bulldog's Little Poeple.
December 22nd, 2013
In doubt, do macro.
December 22nd, 2013
I was running out of ideas when spring hit and there were flowers everywhere so that saved me. Just when I was almost out of ideas again Christmas came.

love the hat by the way
December 22nd, 2013
Unlike (almost?) everybody else, if I miss a day or six I just say "What the heck" and carry on when I am more inspired. How people react to lacking inspiration and get inspiration are very individual (see also "your project, your rules"), although the challenges can certainly help, so it depends what works for you. If you're particularly driven to follow ze rules then that might be enough (you can always shoot *something* after all), or you might be more relaxed about things like me (I'm practically horizontal!) then taking a day or more off and letting inspiration come to you might work.
December 22nd, 2013
What I've settled into as of late is going on what I call "mini-shoots" a couple times a week. Sometimes I plan them out, sometimes I drive randomly until something catches my attention, other times I push myself to find something right outside the door. During these times I'm able to really focus on practicing artistry and craft and usually get enough photos to supply a week. I've found this really is effective for me time-wise. I'm able to truly practice as well in addition to not feeling stressed every day that I *must* come up with a photo to post.
December 22nd, 2013
Always have your camera with you is my habit. That way, when something strikes me, I've got the gear. Work with your settings in your camera too--if you don't know them all, then that gives you something to do each day. That has motivated me almost every day. Good luck!
December 22nd, 2013
I too am a newbie, the challenges are a really big help.
Following people who take pictures you have enjoyed is also very inspirational.
Happy Snapping
December 22nd, 2013
I resort to the dog or one of the cats hence they are scattered about my albums not infrequently!
December 23rd, 2013
Thanks to all of you so much for the replies and tips! I hope I can make it through the year!
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