Phone photo tips..?

December 30th, 2010
I use my Nokia for 365 and then edit the photos that come through using Picnik. Any advice on what else to do?
December 30th, 2010
depends on what style you are going for? if you just want to crop and clear up red eye etc, then the basic programs on the pc will do, but if you want go deeper into photo editing then get a photo program.

There are lots of free edit programs to D/L off the net , you just have to search for them, and make sure they are not subject to a trial period, that will only frustrate you when you get used to the program and then have to stop using it cuz the time is up..
I use photofiltre.
and pos pro. and photobundle.
all free downloads and great programs.. offering different tools..and I have done some pretty cool editing with just these basic programs.
iIf you can afford photoshop. thats one of the better programs but not necessary to have.
Hope this is info that you are after.
December 30th, 2010
Thank you! I have an older version of photoshop, I think I'll start using it again, and I might download a couple of programs as well! That really helped, thanks!
January 2nd, 2011
@anjaqe I've found with phone cameras increasing saturation and contrast can help with the image. Also, if you're using photoshop selective color can be helpful as well.
I was stuck with the iphone3 camera which is horrid! until I got a new little P&S for xmas that I can carry with me all the time. my DSLR is just too heavy and inconvenient to carry everywhere.
January 2nd, 2011
Thanks @neda !! Really helps, I'm going to try those things:)
January 3rd, 2011
you might look into picasa (from google) - it does basic editing, and it can be set up to use a gmail account for albums, and the program and basic webservice are free. when i use a cell for quick photos, i often use picasa to adjust brightness, contrast, fill light, saturation, etc, and i can also make different albums. it runs on windows (has a face recognition as well which is a lot of fun) and linux, and mac (10.4.9+)
January 3rd, 2011
Ooh, I might have a look at that, thank you @cchambers !!
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