Getting great photos out of a not so great cam

January 3rd, 2011
Hi all,
I'm not a professional photographer, but I do enjoy taking pictures more than anything!
My first experience with photography was playing with my brother's DSLR. But when I've finally gotten around to buying my own compact FujiFilm (Which was all I could afford then) I was pretty disappointed when I compared between the two picture qualities.
The upside was I found that there are things to do that can make a so-so picture look like it came out from a better camera like paying more attention to lighting and post processing (in my case lots of Photoshop editing)
Putting into consideration picture composition, stability along with basic photography skills can even make a cellphone picture look more sharp.

Here's some photos I took with my old 5 MP cellphone and had some people thinking they were a production of a digital cam:

I also find this article useful:
January 3rd, 2011
Salma- you can get great photos with any kind of camera- if you know how to use it fully and get good lighting, composition, etc.

You're on the right track...just play around, have fun and by all means- work the subject! Take seeral shots from different angles, don't just take one and walk away! You never know what you might get if you simply look from another perspective...

January 3rd, 2011
Nice shots, and decent article, but read the comments below the article because they make an even better point than the article tries to :)
January 3rd, 2011
I agree with @eyebrows- the comments below the article rings far truer for me! A good dslr, professional lighting, and post processing make a HUGE difference to the final outcome of the photo- not to mention a photographer's knowledge of said equipment. That photographer would have NEVER taken photos with his iPhone, with no lighting, or retouching and sent them to a client. That being said- as far as the "oh crap- I've left my camera at home" moments, todays camera phones take some pretty darn good images (as we have seen here on this site), and they have some pretty fanastic aps (as we have also seen).
January 3rd, 2011
I'm sorry, but I got sidetracked by your Flickr avatar. Yay, Bon Jovi :D
January 3rd, 2011
January 3rd, 2011
@eyebrows I agree with you too, the comments are really informative.
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