Help with Skin blemish issue...

January 5th, 2011
I have a photo of my daughter that I adore, and I've processed a million times but just can't get it right. She has an allergy to the cold, which makes her hands stay chapped-- and in this photo they're just red splotchy ridiculousness.

I want to keep the photo as it is (wthout cropping), so I'm looking for any suggestions on how to fix her hands without airbrushing or blurring them to death or just desaturating the whole photo. Any suggestions would be much appreciated (except telling me to put some lotion on her hands, that'll get you smacked).

this is the SOC image (just resized and jpg'd for upload):

(You can see larger with the direct link

Thank you!

January 5th, 2011
this is no help, but i really can hardly see the red splotches! i know as a mom you notice everything, but just as an outsider i have to strain to see the redness.
January 5th, 2011
In photoshop I would use the clone stamp tool or in picknic I would use the blemish tool which I think has a simular effect to the clone stamp tool but easier to use. With eyes like that I wouldn't be looking at her hands anyways, what a beautiful blue!
January 5th, 2011
@bcurrie did you look at the bigger one? The problem isnt so bad until I start fixing exposure levels/etc, then the red gets crazy worse. Thanks for the input, though. :)
January 5th, 2011
i actually think that the rudiness is quite's her personality. had to actually look for it anyway. her gorgeous blue eyes steal the show!!! have you tried most of the features are free (the ones that aren't are available with an ace membership). just upload your pic, click the "create" tab. on the top bar is a "Touch Up" tab. the first option is "Blemish fix." i've used it a few times and it works pretty good!! keep us posted!
January 5th, 2011
i did, and i can see it a bit better. sorry i'm no help! she is an absolute doll--those EYES!!
January 5th, 2011
Being natural is good, but if you have Photoshop, the Healing tool takes care of that. Also Gaussian Blur, but that takes a little practice.
January 5th, 2011
Also...too much contrast may tend to over embellish such things. So, de-contrasting a little may help.
January 5th, 2011
@andiejaye I will try that, I do use picnik, maybe i'm just not being detailed and patient enough. And guess what?? Her name is Andie :) @roth thank you also, again..i just need to be more patient with it. i'll keep working on it! :)
January 5th, 2011
@moncooga thank you, more good tips!! :)
January 5th, 2011
my little neice with similar issues has a portfolio in B&W - I understand your hesitation in desaturating the colour, and I only do it for the really good photos. I also used the 'aged' present in lightroom which tones her skin really nicely.

and I agree with Sue, her eyes attract all the attention in this shot!
January 5th, 2011
In conjunction with the other techniques, you could also try desaturating just the reds a little. I'm not sure if Picnik does this though.
January 5th, 2011
@fillingtime @moncooga selective desaturation! SERIOUSLY! How did I not know how easy this was??? It even made her hands look less rough!

What do you think?
It changed some other colors a bit, but I can play with it. I am so pleased with the redness being gone!!

January 5th, 2011
You could select the area(s) that have too much red and just adjust the color balance and saturation levels. Or you could use the good old healing brush but that might take some time.
January 5th, 2011
Definitely a good improvement. Obviously it gets a little harder if you have other objects in the shot that are red, but as @norelpref said you can select those areas (or use masks) where you want to reduce the redness so other areas are untouched.
January 5th, 2011
turned out nicely!!
January 5th, 2011
well actually, seeing this photo... i look straightly to her eyes... this photo, her eyes, tell everything... regarding to the redness of the hands.. i didn't notice until u said it, since i was drawn to her eyes.. it's a good way

masking is your friend... ^__^ levels and desaturating it... ^___^ ENJOY!!!
January 5th, 2011
Also try (in Photoshop):

New blank layer, mode: color.
Paint in a "good color" over the affected areas.

It won't change any detail - just the colour of the surface painted.
January 5th, 2011
Hey, who remembers the good old days, when we shot a picture, had it developed, and dealt with what we had?

C'mon, you remember, we walked to school, uphill, both ways, in a snowstorm in April, with no shoes....

Then came the Airbrush.
January 5th, 2011
@moncooga If the colours came out weird didn't we just go back and cross-process it? ;)
January 5th, 2011
@jinximages Why yes we did. And now I just use a Preset in Tiffen DFX to do the same thing, as I have slides processed to disc unmounted. And it works! With no smell!
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