Does anyone know how to create this?

January 5th, 2011
Hey, I was wondering if anyone knew how to create this effect.

I also hope this is the right board for this, but I've been wondering for a while and I can't find anything on google. Maybe because I'm looking using the wrong name?

Please help? Even if all you know is the name of the effect it gets me a step closer. Thank you =D
January 5th, 2011
I'm not entirely sure what you mean but have you tried using layers and lowering the transparancy?
January 5th, 2011
I recognize the album cover!
I feel like two images were super-imposed upon one another with an added texture layer? That's just my amateur perspective on it.
January 5th, 2011
Looks like Hipstamatic from iPhone...which I only badmouth because I don't have an iPhone. :)

Looks like something you could do in photoshop...maybe even Picnik with some of the textures they have....
January 5th, 2011
Looks like Polaroid manipulation to me - try googling for that or 'Polaroid image transfer'. They've certainly gone for the expired peel-apart film look, even if it was done digitally .... my £0.02 anyway ;)
January 5th, 2011
I'm thinking it is a polariod frame and textures all layered over the photo with different opacities. I do similar less dramatic stuff with textures in photoshop. I am not brave enough for major drama. lol could be old polaroid film that was slightly damaged. Very cool!!! I really like the effect!
January 5th, 2011
This looks like a Polaroid Emulsion Lift. It was popular with Polaroid 669 Film. Here is one link to help work with it for the digihead world:
January 5th, 2011
thank you @moncooga! That is an awesome tutorial!!
January 6th, 2011
photoshop layering ...
January 6th, 2011
If you don't have photoshop, then on flickr, use Picnik's textures. You can adjust the density of the texture layer and add text like the example you've shown.
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