
January 6th, 2011
Hey y'all. :D

I've been looking into getting some reflectors to play and experiment with but I don't know what to get in terms of brand, size or anything.
Help? D:

Does anyone have suggestions for reflectors? Preferably relatively inexpensive ones.

Please and thanks. ♥
January 6th, 2011
I like Lastolite, but they are not cheap. :(

Any circular "pop-up" 5-in-1 is probably going to do the trick. Brand doesn't really matter, in my experience, for those ones.
January 6th, 2011
I was actually thinking about getting one of the 5-in-1 reflectors. I found a super cheap one on Amazon but I'm so afraid of buying something that'll like fall apart after a month or something.
I also don't really know if its a good size. Its twenty-two inches. Is that good?
Sorry~ I seriously don't know the first thing about reflectors. Only that I want to learn how to work with them.
January 6th, 2011
If you have never tried using reflectors to bounce light, you could start with a piece of white foam core or even poster board. It is cheap and will give to a feel for how it works to bounce light.
January 6th, 2011
I got a small round 5 in 1 off of Amazon as a Christmas present. It's pretty easy but I've only had it like a week so I don't know if it's bound to fall apart or anything since it's still new to me :)
January 6th, 2011
@elleontheradio 22" is a bit small IMO. Quality-wise, I haven't heard of too many bad ones from any brand. I mean, they're just like the silver windscreen / windshield reflectors really - material over spring-steel wire. Not too much to go wrong with them.

The one I carry around when I don't need my Lastolite gear is about 30", and just some generic brand from the local camera shop. It has lasted me a few years now and doesn't seem about to fall apart. I think it cost about $40.
January 7th, 2011
@prairiesmoke I think I'll try that while I wait to get my reflector(s?). Thanks. =]

@cholbert Well~ On the off chance that it does fall apart let me know, will you? haha. I'm so paranoid. Its awful.

@jinximages That's certainly good to know. I think maybe I'll start looking around for a 5-in-1 about that size if I can. Thank you for your help. :D
I'm going to keep Lastolite in mind too for when I have more money and a better idea of what I want/need.
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