Having trouble getting shadows right...

January 6th, 2011
Hey 365er's,
I hoping someone can give me a bit of advice on how to get a smooth transition of light in photos. As you can see in the photo below, the shadows are not gradual, but kinda "jerky" for lack of a better term.

If it helps, i shoot with a Canon 1000D.

Would love some help to correct this problem, as i feel my pictures don't have the polish I want them to.
Thanks in advance,
January 6th, 2011
Don't know about anybody else but I'm not sure what you mean, judging by the picture. Seems okay to me.
January 6th, 2011
Honestly, I'm not positive I'm looking at the same thing you're talking about, but I'm guessing it's the line to the right of the cup (due to it being a slight distraction)?

Shadow lines are mostly just the result of the lightsource. So, a small light will produce harsher lines than a bigger light. Think of it like this: the sun is a small lightsource (because it is so far away) and it produces really harsh shadows. But, hold a white sheet up between the sun and your subject (with it close to the subject) and you now have a large lightsource (because the sun is diffused through the sheet, making the sheet the lightsource now), with no harsh shadows.

In this case, it looks like the light is a bare bulb. That could be your cause right there. Diffuse it somehow, with a softbox (home-made will do) and your light gradations will be smoother.

I hope that helps!
January 6th, 2011
@vikdaddy @jinximages Thanks guys.

Now that I take a closer look at the original and compare it to the (smaller/compressed) image above, i think it may all be in my head after all.

Thanks for putting my mind at ease (and also confirming that I am my own worst critic - even when there is nothing to criticise!)

Thank again.
January 6th, 2011
I thought it was a joke about a cup with the lines wrinkles in it...

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