HELP ... which way to resize ??

January 9th, 2011
hi all :)

just wondering if someone can let me know which is the best from this drop down list when i resize (reduce) my image size in photoshop ??

let me clarify ... i resize to around 1500px on the shorter side, this in the image is the original size lol

thanks peeps :))
January 9th, 2011
If I'm resizing for the web, such as on this site, I usually just use the smooth gradient setting you have highlighted and change the resolution to 100 pixels/inch.
January 9th, 2011
I resize mine to 1024 pixels wide for landscape format and 768 high if it is portrait format, I don't use the drop down menu you have shown here.
I also select the quality according to the kb size as I try to keep them under 500kb for camera club competitions, so I don't need to re size again.
January 9th, 2011
@eos30me hmm, so you're saying you have the "resample image" box UNticked ??

thanks btw :)

@marubozo thanks also :)
January 9th, 2011
then save as

This is what works for me, I still have had some colour saturation issues on this web page alone a few times.
January 9th, 2011
@eos30me yep that is the "save as" settings that i always use ... thanks for the other info, i'll give it a go with my next upload :)) thanks heaps :))
January 9th, 2011
@eos30me I do the same as Michael when I am submitting pictures to my photography club....for here, I just upload them.....
January 9th, 2011
The best method may depend on why you really wish to change the image size. Is it merely to have a smaller file size? That 30x45cm, 38meg file is pretty large for the usual web site posting true, but also for consideration are targeted resolution, alternative compression formats and settings that might give good balance depending on your audience.
January 9th, 2011
Oddly, there is absolutely no difference whatsoever in the results from the last three bicubic types. Any of them will do. I just use the one you've highlighted for downsizing. For upsizing, I use Genuine Fractals / Perfect Resize, because bicubic is terrible for upsizing.

On a side note, I haven't yet tested Lightroom 3's resizing, but LR and LR2 both use quick and dirty bilinear resampling. If you have ever used Lightroom to resize, and have lost eyelashes or other details, that's why. I am going to assume LR3 does it the same way. Thankfully I also have Perfect Resize plugin for LR.
January 9th, 2011
@jinximages thanks :))

if i ever need to upsize, which is very rare, i use psp's "raster - deform tool" on a layer over a large blank canvas ... its the only way i've ever been able to keep "some" quality, and hmm i have used it to downsize in psp also. but really avoiding psp at the moment to push myself to learn new stuff :))
January 10th, 2011
I just install this program:

Then I can just right-click on photos and resize them without needing to open them up. Very quick.
January 10th, 2011
I have photoshop on my Mac and have used Image Size. I can resize. The material above is a bit over my head or are confusing. What, if any, standards are there for vertical and horizontal pixels? And checking the boxes for the 365 project? I've re-read this material several times but some of it doesn't register.
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