Help with Fisheye lens

January 10th, 2011
Sorry, it's me again. lol. I just bought a cheap fish eye lens to learn on. But it does not say anything about how to set you camera for the best results.
I have checked google etc. And can't fine anything. My camera is a lumix fx30. I also checked my camera book and lumix site. Nothing!!!
Thanks for helping everyong.
January 10th, 2011
fisheyes... for great results... it is more about comp than about any one setting...

most fishies are around 8mm to 12mm thus you can use redonkulous (trouble with making up words... i don't know how to spell them?!?!) shutter speeds 1/10 of a second should be no trouble...

ISO as low as possible as always... and you will notice almost everything will always be in focus... so hit f/8 and run with it...

remember to mind straight lines... they can run in the exact middle of the frame but up or down at all and they will bend (which can be good or bad)...

And you need to get close... like really really close to get a subject in frame... often for near macro work your lens will almost be touching your subject and it will still not seem close enough!
January 10th, 2011
Jordan said it all. For a great example, check my January 1st pic (fisheye of my dog)
January 10th, 2011
@meshinka Thank you so much Christopher. I think my dog will be my first try. Thanks for comment.
January 10th, 2011
Out of interested did you ever figure out how to open a file in GIMP? I lost that thread someplace and I meant to follow up... the tricky thing is that the windows are not all tied together so often I lose my work space too....
January 10th, 2011
Nope, not yet, duh!! I don't see a place in gimp so I can download photo to it.
Thank you so very much for all your help. I know these must be very simple questions for most of you.
January 10th, 2011
@miata2u as Jordan said... you have to get very close, and most dogs don't like that (use treats)
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