How did you do it?

January 20th, 2011
I am a teacher/coach, so by nature I want to help people. There is nothing better than the feeling you get when you have helped someone achieve a goal they were striving for. The more and more I surf around here, the more I see people are here to learn and expand their skills. Therefore, I was thinking it would be great if we all share how we got to our end product. Was it SOOC or did you do PP? If you did do PP or had a unique set up, would you be willing to share it with others so we can ALL strengthen our skills and learn new things. I'll start.....hopefully others will follow.

The EXIF info is on the side if you click to view the picture. I played around with different shutter speeds but 2 seconds seemed to give the best results.
The set up: I had it set on a black piece of cardboard with 2 white form boards on either side to control the light. It was on my kitchen table under my chandelier (3 regular light bulbs) and I had my flash set to rear curtain with my camera and sb600 flash on a tripod (no diffuser). That's it!! In photoshop I just adjusted the white balance, curves and levels to get the black that I saw with my eyes. Finally I added a quick radial blur filter to give it the extra punch and feel of maximum movement. The actual rings of light and the clarity of the ring were SOOC....I was surprised myself!! The most important part.......I spun the ring and used my remote with a pre-focused spot (manual setting) and crossed my fingers that the ring stayed in the general area where I was focused. Don't be fooled. It took me about 50-60 tries to get it right. Once I got the placement and focus down, I was able to get some good ones and pick the best from the bunch!!
Who is going to step up to the plate and reveal their genius skills!!!
January 20th, 2011
Really just amazing. Interesting all the steps you had to take to create this shot. It's totally Lord of the Rings. Proud to follow you.
January 20th, 2011
Very cool! thanks for sharing the technique!
January 20th, 2011
I wish I had genius skills. This is an awesome photo! Magical!
January 20th, 2011
mad skills there! so cool! thanks for sharing! ♥ it!
January 20th, 2011
@lisettear @sdpace @mandyj92 @lillithsnapped Thank you all for the comments but I was hoping people would post some interesting pictures and explain how they got them. And believe me.....I don't have 'mad skills' or 'genius skills'. It was mostly luck!!
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