Portfolio help, please!

February 14th, 2011
Hullo again :)

I come seeking your infinite wisdom, oh infinitely wise ones.

I'm asking on behalf of a girl I met on Facebook, haha. She's making a "visual portfolio" for her photography and graphic design work. What program would be best for this sort of thing? Any help would be appreciated!
February 14th, 2011
How I wish I can help, but this one is quite difficult to do, you need loads of time and loads of thinking for this... I guess the first step is to know who are main audience for such presentation, and then set the objectives. By knowing these two basic things, then she can choose the best program to present her work. She can make a video of her visual portfolio and can be uploaded in youtube or directly to her Facebook account. She can also use Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation and can be uploaded to a website, or she can have her own website such as the wix which is for free ( http://www.wix.com/flash_websites/fish ). Flickr can also be useful if she wants to share it through online. Hope this helps her.
February 14th, 2011
Thaaaanks! Will forward this to her. She told me a friend of hers used In Design to do a similar thing to what she wants to achieve - but she's struggling with it. Thanks again, Dennis - I really dunno much about this kinda stuff so I couldn't help her much.
February 14th, 2011
graphic design nowadays use vector graphics, and the best program to use is Adobe Illustrator...or its open source alter-ego, Inkscape (free downloads on the web)
February 14th, 2011
@nellycious You're a gem :) thank you!
February 15th, 2011
I honestly am not experienced enough to help with a portfolio. buuuuuttt I just wanted to randomly say that second line made me smile :D
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