Possibilities of a compact

March 11th, 2011
Hi. Is it possible to obtain a shallow depth of field with a compact? I have a fugifilm finepix digital S3000. I am a complete beginner, and want to make the most of the camera I have before considering moving on.
March 11th, 2011
Hi @hamble I have been without my DSLR several times & have found that shallow depth of field IS possible in a compact (mine Kodak has a minimum aperture of 2.8, whereas my DLSR has one of 3.5). Definitely possible, although I've foudn that adjustign the settings can be fiddly.
March 11th, 2011
Yes, with very small f numbrs like f1.8, f2.0, and usually you have to shoot very close. But mostly no even for expensive compact due to sensor size.

If you want to upgrade and keep the size small, consider micro four/thirds system. I also use Panasonic GH2 and love it!
March 11th, 2011
it depends on the lens. the aperture can be found on the lens itself usually, take a look and let us know (it'll be the smallest f/ number)
March 11th, 2011
if I set my old pns to the "super" macro setting, I could use that to focus on something really close, yet leave the background in a bokeh state, and suggesting a shallow dof.

keep taking shots and keep pushing the limits.... you'll soon work out how to fudge a good dof shot!
March 11th, 2011
YES IT IS, I use a Finepix S1500,

Set the dial to A, then lower the F number to the smallest you can get, results like this are possible

and @teddybear3 did this with a point & shoot in auto mode:-

March 11th, 2011
I havent been able to use my dslr since 20th Feb as the lens was broken. I have been using my Canon Powershot since and have managed quite a few pictures with shallow DoF. I put it onto the macro setting and lowered the f number.
These are a few examples:

March 11th, 2011
As others have said, yes. Unfortunately I haven't found out the secret to doing so with mine yet. I always seems to just luck into it; will have to try some of the hints mentioned here
March 11th, 2011
@vikdaddy Vicdaddy, the aperture is 6.36mm
March 11th, 2011
@pete21 Peter, my settings are obviously different to yours, there is no option for changing the f-number. Apart from Auto, the only options are macro, night, sport, scene and portrait, and an option to use the flash or not, and zoom. Thats it.
March 11th, 2011
@hamble Had a look on the Fuji website you need to go to page 58 in the manual link below just in case you dont have one

March 12th, 2011
@hamble hi, that's not the aperture. looking on google the highest aperture you can is f2.8, which is fine for achieving a shallow depth of focus. You need to set your camera to manual and amend the aperture to the highest setting (f/2.8) and shoot away. Remember, the shallow depth of focus is achieved by focusing on something and having a background that is further away, so the further away the background, the better the depth of focus effect.
March 12th, 2011
@pete21 Thalyou Pete. I've now printed off the manual. (It was lost many years ago before I began to take an interest in the subject! ). I've had a few practice shots and very pleased. (Would have posted them here if I knew how!)
March 12th, 2011
Thanks to everyone who has replied. I feel I've learnt something today.
March 12th, 2011
@hamble Anytime, and when you look at a photo that's been uploaded to 365 there will be a box titled share on the right copy the text in the box and paste it into a comment :-)
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