Lighting recommendations

July 11th, 2023
I have never used artificial lighting and after viewing some of the excellent lighting work that some 365'ers do (off the top of my head @northy comes to mind) I would very much like to learn some basic techniques and wondering if the 365 community can recommend either an on-line course or good book? Thanks for any help.
July 11th, 2023
Andrew I shall follow your answers with great interest. I use a couple of desk lamps and feel the need to upgrade!!!
July 11th, 2023
@30pics4jackiesdiamond Desk lamps would be a step further for me😄
July 11th, 2023

I have one white and one black, they have three settings ( dim to bright) and flexible necks.
July 11th, 2023
I use a couple of spotlights so like Jackie I am interested in following this feed.
July 11th, 2023
well - despite the shout out, i am totally the wrong person to speak on this topic 🥴

about 99% of what i know about light i've learned through osmosis from others on this site... with maybe 1% from random YouTube tutorials...

things i've learned:
-- low light (AM / PM) and long shadows are usually (but not always) more interesting than direct overhead / midday light
-- shadows tend to add drama
-- a gooseneck desk lamp is very versatile when it comes to set up shots... i have one that i have used for years... i do have other light sources as well, but the gooseneck desk lamp is used way more often than anything else
-- one other thing... play around with manual settings on the camera, or at any rate the EV exposure... i often find that what the camera says are the ideal settings for "correct exposure" are much brighter than i like...

if there's a guidebook out there i might read it, but honestly, i'm more likely to stick with the trial and error approach...
July 12th, 2023
This is an interesting discussion. I too am following.
July 12th, 2023
@30pics4jackiesdiamond @wakelys @northy @randystreat Thank you all for your contributions to this discussion, it seems it has highlighted (see what I have done there?) a possible need in others than myself.

So far there seems to be a consensus that desk lamps are a good way to question, do folk use ordinary light bulbs or the daylight version?

Perhaps the discussion could now be widened a bit to take in techniques as well as equipment many and positioning of lights; personally I like backlighting but have only really done any with natural light and wonder with artificial light if it should be balanced a bit with side and/or front lights?
July 12th, 2023
The lights I use have LEDs embedded in them. I never change the white balance in the camera. Biggest issue I have is the shadows they cast!!!

Like Northy I play around with +/- EV setting, experiment and delete lots.

Another thing. Desk lamps are small, and useful for actual normal lighting!!!!
July 13th, 2023
i think it really depends on the look / effect you are trying to achieve, and what you want your audience to see or feel in viewing your image... there's no right or wrong way to do it... only ways that get you the image you envisioned and ways that don't (and sometimes these can be fixed in post-processing 🥴)...

i think it's really about getting in there with some light sources and playing around... i have a very basic gooseneck lamp which has whatever bulb it has (LED i think but couldn't tell you for sure) plus a variety of flashlights and a little block light thingy... and a few other odds and sods... i also often use my iPad... i rarely use more than light source at a time - but again, it depends on what i'm wanting to create in terms of an image...

you can also bounce lights with mirrors or a piece of white paper in some cases if you want to create a more subtle effect...

for me it was all trial and error...
July 13th, 2023
I appreciate what you folks are teaching me and that you are willing to do so. Thank you @allsop for bringing up this discussion.
July 13th, 2023
Andrew @mona65 has fab photos and explanations of how she sets up and achieves her fab images. You'll need to trawl through her albums to find them!!
July 25th, 2023
I think a lot of people are afraid of using off camera lights or even using on camera flash (not the one built in your camera) and it is much easier than you may think. Using a little fill flash can make the difference in your photo. One system I like a lot is Godox but you can get cheaper flashes to start with. You need to get a radio transmitter that goes with the flash if you want to use it off camera. Then you want to get something to soften the flash (a modifier) I really like the Magmod system since they are easy to change since it is magnetic. I use flash outside as fill or to add a little rim etc. There is a lot of different things you can do with flash but I would recommend watching a lot of youtube videos which is how I learned a lot, and then practice. This is an area I'm always practicing and playing with. Hmmm, I am wondering if I should start a lighting challenge series. A couple people could join me and we can take turn hosting them.
July 25th, 2023
@30pics4jackiesdiamond Thanks for this Jackie.
July 25th, 2023
@myhrhelper good idea, I've learnt soooo much from challenges, watching, copying and joining in
July 25th, 2023
@myhrhelper Thanks for this Kathy. I like the idea of a lighting challenge especially if it could have a strong emphasis on education, such details as how many and how they set up the lights in relation to the subject. Do folk think this would work?
July 25th, 2023
@allsop it can for sure work it just will depend on who participates. We can focus on different types of lighting, flashes, different effects of flash, the positions etc. of the flashes. It is going to be in baby steps not covers everything at once and will get a few others to cohost these challenges and add comments. @30pics4jackiesdiamond I think I will start this.
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