April 6th, 2011
Okay, I am not one to ask much for CC, but...I would really like a little bit on this one. Thanks in advance to any & all responses.

here is the before:
April 6th, 2011
Well, ill start out w/ i think your composition is great for this shot and i think the eyes here are spectacular even if the left is just a touch too bright in the highlights imo. Overall they arent overdone which is very common (least from what ive seen anyway)

Youre lighting is a good start, i think the light on the right side is a tad too bright and is overexposed as a result (most visible in the yellow of the shirt there)
I think you could pull a little more contrast out of this even though it is at an 'acceptable' level enough to not be too 'flat' so thats more of a style choice i suppose

the only other thing is that the smile looks a little forced. This is an opinionated thing tho as some people enjoy that, i personally like more candid shots.
A little trick that works for me when working with children is to have them play an "acting game" where you have them react to different statements such as 'How would you react ifffff we were going to disney world tmrw?' etc.

Hope it helps!
April 6th, 2011
@3nder Thank you for your time and your input. Yeah the smile does look a bit forced , I will have to work on that- he is such a ham.
I *think* I may have blown out the shirt in post processing, I will play with this one again tonight with all your CC in mind :)
April 6th, 2011
I looked at the before and after photos, and I think you did a really great job of taking a photo that was a bit dark, especially in the eye area, and adding a splash of sunshine. I am just critiquing as someone who is very inexperienced in editing, so you aren't getting any professional help here, just the joy of looking at a darling little boy. The smile is forced, but he is also impeccably groomed, which makes it look more like "that kind" of a photo. I love the bright sparkle of the eyes. It has a very nice level of color and brightness. He's a doll.
April 6th, 2011
@petersonsheri ~thank you so much-as my husband built the backdrop holder I asked him if he would pose for me later and I would give him a treat- for a change, he was on me all day about taking his picture, you should see the out takes, absolutely hysterical.
April 6th, 2011
@tnamari It's so fun when you can get everyone involved and they enjoy it! I've done some pretty crazy things to get pictures. They almost look like chem lab experiments. One time my husband came home and asked me if I was maybe (trying in his way to be gentle) getting a little goofy with all of this camera business. I had to laugh.
April 6th, 2011
Great job. I like the transformation. You did well.
April 7th, 2011
@tnamari I wanna see! I wanna see!!!
April 7th, 2011
@aj1268 ~ there are a couple on FB :)
April 7th, 2011
@tnamari Awesome! when I finish up here, I'm off to there. ;)
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