Anniversary photo shoot... tips please!

April 14th, 2011
I have been asked by my grandparents to shoot some "couple photos" for their 56th anniversary this weekend. They have never had portraits done, and I have never done a photo session before. I'm not charging, as I think the experience will be valuable.
It will be outside, in a park that has a tree with very low branches that people can sit on, overlooking the bay.
I would appreciate any suggestions, tips, or other input.
April 14th, 2011
Went to a beginner photo class yesterday and one thing that sticks out from what he said was to set your "trigger" to continuous mode if you can (keeps taking pics until you take your finger off). This can capture little expressions that are fleeting...a glance, a smirk, a look, that you can't capture if you just click once. You can always delete not-so-good pics, but this might capture that special "moment". Trust your abilities..and have fun!
April 14th, 2011
As Angelique said shoot continuous... you will be surprised at hard and can be to get two people to look or smile or keep their eyes open at the same time. Also chat, keep it casual because they will feel relaxed if you are.
Photography wise... check your background... the most portrait can be ruined by having a pole sticking out of someone's head, or by weird things in the background.
April 14th, 2011
Instead of candids, you could shoot portrait set up. Find a bench with a nice simple background. A tripod would be a great help. Set your camera up, do your metering and set your f stop, ISO and shutter speed. Using outdoor light is wonderful, for your white balance use Auto or what ever the weather is...sunny, cloudy etc. I'd use a 17-85mm lens. 50mm is great for portrait. Have couples sit on the bench, and take both head shots and full body shots. Remember to focus on the eyes when doing head shots. After this is done then you could go around and take candids. Hope you have a great day and happy anniversary to your Grandparents!
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