What to photograph

April 21st, 2011
Hello 365 project pals,
I want to know how you get inspiration and what ideas you come up with for your pictures. I have not posted anything in days because I am stuck on what to take pictures of. I dont live in a real fancy place and I have taken a lot of pictures of spring lately and when I browse for ideas I just love some of the photos I see out there and think how you thought to take that photo. So I guess my question is how do you decide on what to take pictures of or how to come up with ideas. I feel like I have taken pictures of everything around my house and a lot of spring. Help help help. I need some advise. Thanks you so much.
April 21st, 2011
I am currently doing the alphabet challenge. Everyday I take a picture of something with whatever letter falls on that day. Today was the letter H.
April 21st, 2011
how about a color challenge? choose a color a day and that is what u shoot, of what you tint a photo to. find an object in that color and that is what u shoot, it could be a doll, an earing or just a simple crayon.
April 21st, 2011
Two really great ideas thanks!!!
April 21st, 2011
Maybe that's the problem, you are focusing so hard on taking a photo of something particular. The way I shoot is to shoot everything. Yesterday I thought I'd be posting a sunset photo, only to end up posting a tree. I don't set out with a goal, mainly because I think I'd end up where you are. You mentioned you are doing an alphabet challenge. I have a follower, who I also follow back, who is doing the same thing. Maybe check hers out and see what she is doing, that might get your creative juices flowing @pwallis
April 21st, 2011
Even a pea can look good, if done right... re think how you look at the things in your house.. and round you all day....
and edit programs can help too..
do some of the side challenges.. the wwyd challenge is a good one because it is some else's photo and you play with it.....
Hope you can get out of your rut!
April 21st, 2011
A friend of mine did 365 days of a wine glass. Same glass in every shot. Awesome series!
April 21st, 2011
My project is about telling the story of my day, like a visual diary. I try to take a photograph that depicts the most significant/interesting thing that's happened to me in my day - it's not always an interesting/beautiful photo, but I try and be a bit creative as to how I capture things and post-process them.

I also have a 'go-to' list to use if I'm really stuck. This list contains a bunch of things I've thought up randomly that might make a potential shot.
Good luck and I hope inspiration finds you!
April 21st, 2011

They have some great suggestions. :)
April 21st, 2011
I sometimes get out a map of my local area and find a footpath i've never walked on...I have found some amazing walks and some amazing things to shoot not more than half a mile from home! (or from a hotel that i'm staying in!)
April 21st, 2011
@jinximages That sounds great! Is there a link?
April 21st, 2011
@jinximages Sounds like mine!

@chelseap92 I have a theme for the year - each photo is of a rubber duck, doing different things. :D

I have to admit, a wine glass sounds pretty awesome. Is there a link we could see?
April 21st, 2011
@rich57 She still has about half of them up (the really good ones I guess). :)

@katiegc24 I kinda love your ducks. :D
April 21st, 2011
@jinximages Awwww :) yay! It is quite fun.. but can get difficult sometimes :(
April 21st, 2011
@jinximages Also, wow! Those wine glass photos are awesome!
April 21st, 2011
@nicolelouise83 Aww thanks for the mention Nicole! But yes, anyone suffering from "photographers block" (so to speak) - I would highly recommend the A-Z challenge. It gets you thinking outside the box a bit, and it's tons of fun!
April 24th, 2011
Thank you to everyone. I really got some great ideas, and really look forward to trying some of them out. Thank you so much. :)
May 8th, 2011
@nodecaff LOVE THE WEBSITE! I was looking at it just now.. so cool! Thanks!
May 8th, 2011
@jinximages wow! Cool shots! That would be hard, but it really gets your mind thinking!!
May 9th, 2011
Or you could try something different, like stereoscopy, that changes the way you look at photos.
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