How can I make the sky blue?

May 1st, 2011
I have a friend who is interested in buyong one of my photos as a canvas print but has asked if it's possible for me to make the white sky blue.

This is the photo he likes:

I have paint shop pro x3 and am quite new to it. Is there a way to do it?
May 1st, 2011
Not sure about paint shop but you could replace the sky quite easily in photoshop. It may be that you can selectively replace colours in Paint shop. There are tons of tutorial vids around.
May 1st, 2011
Did you shoot in raw? Cos you might be able to edit the white balance and exposure to correct it.
May 1st, 2011
@richjane77 I'll have another search thorugh google

@wormentude No, it's not in raw, thank's for teh suggestion though
May 1st, 2011
I would create a duplicate layer and on that duplicate layer use the colour changer tool to colour the sky. because there are also elements in the picture that are the same colour as the sky next create a mask layer and using a black brush go over all the elements that you want to remain white, then merge all the layers down
May 1st, 2011
Basically what @asrai said is roughly how i would do it in paint shop pro (i use x3 also)

slightly different tho i would duplicate the photo , paste on top , use colour changer on the white for a deapish blue , then i would fade the top layer slightly till i was happy with the blue , then take the eraser and just rub out on the top layer anything that had changed that i didnt want to change

whole process shouldnt take more than 5 mins :) ..... it looks to me like it wouldnt be too hard :)
May 1st, 2011
yeah the opacity settings are a good way of getting the right colour, you have to be pretty sure and steady with the eraser mind you as one slip and you have to repeat the process the reason I prefer the mask is because it acts like the eraser but if you make a mistake you can change the colour to white and go over the bit you shouldn't have to bring it back :)
May 1st, 2011
@asrai ~ hmmm true about hand slipping :) mind i have a pretty steady hand in edit hehe so i just do it that way cos i find it quicker and im lazy :P hehe !
May 1st, 2011
@flamez as long as it works thats the main thing :D
May 1st, 2011
@asrai ~ deffinately :D ... i find people do things in so many different ways but create a similar effect , quite interesting really :)
May 1st, 2011
I would 'float' another sky in... that way there are some clouds... and the white mist that is near the horizon...

set the white sky to transparent... and have the second layer a fitting sky... mind the pun...
May 1st, 2011
but can I be honest... I think the white sky works well the the blown highlights (like the bench) in the photo... I think if you move a 'blue' sky in... the nice play of the yellow and green will be ruined... I might bring in some cloud cover... but rule #1 do what the client wants...
May 1st, 2011
@emmar84 I'm with @icywarm on this, it might do better leaving the sky the way it is. My suggestion is a black hairline around the image, and give them the option between the two. A fake sky might be too obviously fake in a canvas (though possibly the texture will help negate it)
August 4th, 2011
I would agree with @asrai and would use a mask. If you use the eraser tool and make an error, it cannot be recovered very easily and with a mask, you can just delete the mask. Please post the finished product. I have just started to study how to replace skies in PSP X3 a couple of days ago. I have created a blue gradient fill layer for some photos and I am now working on masking out the sky I do not like and then pasting in a sky from a different photo. I did take a number of pictures of the sky yesterday.
August 11th, 2011
Get Remask 3 from Topaz Labs. It allows easy masking using a sort of layer-via-cut technique. very easy to use.
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