Soft focus/glow

May 3rd, 2011
I'm really trying to figure out how to achieve that ethereal glow that I sometimes see in portraits on 365. Is that done in camera or post-processing? Is this just a soft focus effect?
May 3rd, 2011

I was really trying to get that effect with this one, but it just rather looked out of focus to me instead. What am I doing wrong?
May 3rd, 2011
I love adding soft glow to my photos but I don't have many of them in my 365. For a tiny soft glow I often use my 300mm lens on manual focus. The photo below her face is a wee bit off focus (I think the focus is off from a bit of hand shake when snapping the photo).

If you want more you can use an editing programs. I don't know how all of them work but I can tell you how I do it with the program I'm use to... I use Gimp (its free and similar to PS). All you do is click on file-open-then the photo you want to use. Click on filters-artistic-softglow. Then file-save. If you don't like that effect you can download other free scripts and curves to use with gimp to give other soft glow effects (ones with shades of pink, green, and such). I love adding soft glow looks to photos... I'm surprised I don't have many on my 365. I guess that's because I upload a daily photo and don't have time to edit. My computer is full of soft glow photos. I guess I need to take my photos early in the day so I have more time to edit before uploading.
May 3rd, 2011
soft focus... it is a thing... tougher to do in this world of ultra sharp digital lenses... too easy to do with pre-coated 1950's lenses... try the softness slider in post....
May 3rd, 2011
i do it in post processing:
- add a duplicate layer in photoshop
- gaussian blur the layer
- decrease the opacity of that layer
- blend the layer with either "normal" or "soft light"

May 3rd, 2011
Picnik has a soft focus option that works really well for this look and you can adjust the level of softness,
May 3rd, 2011
Do you have an example of what you are after? Maybe you are looking at photos that are lit from the back? Kind of like this?
May 3rd, 2011
I do it a lot in post processing...sometimes adding a white matte will produce the effect....
May 3rd, 2011
If I am taking the photo I focus on depth of field and using the button on my camera that allows to focus on only one part of the photo and not autofocus on the whole photo.

Sometimes a photo calls for the post processing soft glow. This was done post processing in Picasa, with a soft focus and then a glow of color.

May 3rd, 2011
There are filters that you can attach to your lens or there were in the days of film photography (I don't know much about what's available now since I am a point and shoot person currently). And in those days, my dad would also use a clear filter with a smear of vaseline petroleum jelly on it or a screen when printing in the darkroom for post edting.
May 3rd, 2011
@weshook - Cokin do a great range of square filters. I've also been lucky enough to be given a load of old Hoyarex filters.
May 3rd, 2011
@christiq I just tried your technique on one of my flower pictufres...awesome! So simple and very nice effect! Thank you for posting that!
May 3rd, 2011
@tmoore cool! glad it worked out for you =)
May 4th, 2011
you can play with "clarity" in your RAW image editing option of PS or Lightroom or similar programs.
May 4th, 2011
@christiq How do you blend ? @carebear Really I just want to be able to give a slight soft glow to portraits
May 4th, 2011
@4stories Donyou use PS for he white matte effect?
May 4th, 2011
@tford blending is done in the layer menu. it's a drop down that's actually not labeled, but it's right at the top below the tabs (layers | channels | paths) and to the left of opacity. the default is "Normal", but there is a list of 27 options. i use Normal or Soft Light to get a natural effect.
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