Senior Pictures

May 9th, 2011
I was asked to do senior pictures for a friend's daughter. Tomorrow (talk about cram time...). I am use to taking baby pictures, my daughters, or really just random things... but not High School kids. Anyone who has any tips for me, I would be extremely grateful!
May 9th, 2011
@atalitude did some this past weekend that are FANTASTIC! I know she is travelling right now and may not be able to help you quickly with any ideas, but all of hers were very natural and very relaxed/casual. The "place" matched the "person." Here is the one she posted on 365.

May 9th, 2011
My sister takes my kids' senior pics. We have them bring along 2-4 outfits, their band instruments and anything else that means something to them as far as high school goes. We are fortunate that we have many parks here....heavily wooded parks with walking paths. We would just wander around until we saw a scene we liked, my sister would snap a bunch of photos, maybe the kid would change and the sis would snap a bunch more. We let my kids have some say as to where they wanted to sit/stand or try out as a pose.Eventually we would make our way back out to the manicured park area with the flower garden, river and sculptures. She would take a bunch more in this area as well. I'm sorry I can't offer much in the way of photography tips. All I can offer is advice from a mom....a mom who had to lug an extra camera bag and a duffel of extra clothes through a heavily wooded park!
May 9th, 2011
Also, downtown scenes...old buildings, old vine covered walls, rusty doors, fire escapes...all of that is very cool for senior pics. I did senior pics for someone and we went down a back alley & got some great shots on the fire escape,etc. Good luck!
May 9th, 2011
google senior photos and you will be bombarded with ideas :D Definitely any instrument, sport or other activity is a good thing to shoot. Some girls like to pose in their prom dress or other formal dress. Use a good variety of scenes, poses and expressions. Just remember that if the kiddo isn't relaxed it is going to show on camera :D Good luck!
May 9th, 2011
I have a few here if you would like to see what I have done:

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