So I just ordered a Holga

May 13th, 2011
And some film. I just finished up my first semester in a photography program and thought I'd like to have some fun with film. I've been interested inthe Holga for a little while now and figured it was a good way to treat myself for getting A's in both my lab and camera classes.

I'd appreciate any suggestions and tips on getting started. I haven't used a film camera in almost 10 years.

May 13th, 2011
I have been thinking about trying some film too. What I would like to do is use both film and digital. With the digital, you could see the display and know if the settings are about correct. Then set the film camera to that and be more assured of pics coming out okay.
May 14th, 2011
@geniabeana Oh, I want one of those! One of my friends here in town has a Diana Mini that is incredible! Have fun with it!
May 14th, 2011
With a Holga, you never know what to expect. I've had some hits and a lot of misses, but I guess that's part of its allure. It needs a different approach from digital. Have fun!
May 14th, 2011
as far as exposure follow the sunny 16 rule: -- and break rules like shoot into the sun ... go for shadows and shapes and designs... i use to like to really push the film when i developed often used rodinal... i like grain because i got some really interesting effects... mostly remember it's a toy so have fun and play.
May 14th, 2011
@cfrantz I got that sunny 16 in my head. I've ordered black and white and color films at ISO 100 and 400. I'd ordered the 100 first and then read someone recommended 400 for most circumstances so I went back to Amazon and ordered some ISO 400.

I can't wait to play with it.
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