Soft Editing

May 27th, 2011
Hi everyone! I was wondering if anyone could give me tips on soft processing? I will give a couple of examples of what I mean. It is a look that I really love.
@angievega This shot along with many more of hers.....

May 27th, 2011
Hi Mary, I use photoshop lightroom and i uploaded a retro preset for this shot and also increased the luminance...the combination of both these techniques was the result of this shot.

what do you use for editing?

thanks :)
May 27th, 2011
I could be completely wrong, but I can tell you what I have found works....
I try to soften my pictures by desaturating and lowering the clarity in photoshop or Lightroom.
It also looks like in the pictures above they may have used a high aperture? The focus seems to be on the cat's face and then softens out from there.
And the keys are in a plane closer to the camera than the they pop against the blurred background.
Sorry for the non-technical language...I am not a pro.

May 27th, 2011
If You have lightroom, it's awesome to fiddle with split tones, clarity, and brightness for different feels. You can probably find tutorials on split toning online. My photo today was processed with a purple/yellow split tone that I love to use.
May 27th, 2011
Thank you all so much!! @angievega @cohare @sdpace I have lightroom, but I haven't messed with it much. I will have to practice with it. I have been using Photoshop and Photoscape. Now I want to go try out some tricks on lightroom!
May 27th, 2011
I have noticed that really pulling the contrast down in lightroom does the trick too.
May 27th, 2011
Howdy :) I have to admit, my lens does all the work. I fiddle only with the colors in my photos, the majority of the time. Maybe the softer colors give the illusion too?
May 27th, 2011
If you get some Pure Photoshop Actions, Hazy Baby makes for some soft photos. :)
May 27th, 2011
@cdford @indiannie_jones @aliciastacy Thanks all so much! I am playing with lightroom a little. Annie, what kind of lens do you use?
Alicia, I will make note of Hazy Baby. :)
May 27th, 2011
a lot of it has to do with the lens like @indiannie_jones said...if I'm not mistaken these are done with 50mm lenses or at least a lens that can open to a wide aperture like a 1.8 or 1.4 so that if it is wide open, the depth of field is shallow, making that lovely beautiful bokeh in the background. Do you have a lens like that?
Oh and also the desaturated look works for that too...only bump the saturation down slightly. Um.....oh yeah and also go to and look up some photoshop actions there, some of those make some really killer antique-y and soft photos.
May 27th, 2011
@amyhughes Yeah I have the 50 mm lens. I will have to get some photoshop actions and play around. Thanks so much Amy. Here is the one that I played with. It isn't exactly what I was going for, but I do kind of like the turn out. What do you all think?

@aliciastacy @indiannie_jones @cdford @angievega
May 27th, 2011
there are still darker points to the photo. I think I need some practice. Anyway, this is my upload for today. :)
May 27th, 2011
I think that's lovely, @marydreams

If I were shooting a dandelion, my aperture would be at f/2.5 most probably, with a fast shutter. In post-processing, I would eliminate the green; not a fan of bold, dark colors outdoors.

Like this, for instance:

The colors here aren't what I would usually go for but I did tint it (yellow), if memory serves, to avoid having that green/black overwhelm the shot.

As @amyhughes said, I use my 50mm 1.4 for the majority of my photos, usually at f/2.8 or wider, depending on the lighting available.
May 27th, 2011
@marydreams I love it! It's great. You should even try to bump the saturation down or even the contrast and see if that softens the whole look too. I love contrasty pop, but sometimes the photo just lends itself to low contrast or low saturation.
May 27th, 2011
@indiannie_jones @amyhughes You two are awesome!! Thank you so much for your tips and being honest with me!! I will try some of your suggestions!! I am taking notes and heading to the zoo today!! :)
May 27th, 2011

Here is a new version. If I would have had the camera set to the correct aperture...etc...I'm sure it would look better. But I did soften it. My problem is that it seems to lose some definition when I do this. I guess that lends itself to the camera setting???
May 27th, 2011
If you are using LR you can make those changes using an adjustment brush instead of globally softening the photo.
May 27th, 2011
wow i've been out of it but you definitely made a huge difference with the before and after picture. soon you won't be needing our advice and you might be paying it forward....
May 27th, 2011
@marydreams ok no I totally love it!!
May 27th, 2011
@geniabeana Thank you. I will have to check that out! @angievega @amyhughes Wow, thank you both so much!!!
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