Photo Shoot.

June 3rd, 2011
I have agreed to start doing photo shoot's for people requiring portfolios putting together to peruse a modelling career. My uncle used to photograph people and weddings and tells me all i need is my camera and external flash for on location shooting but i am worried my photos won't be good enough.
Any advise, tips or pointers? does anyone else have experience in on location shooting of people?

I've also agreed to go into a nightclub/ bar to take some photos for them, again do i need anything more than my external flash?

Talk about being thrown in at the deep end! I worry my work won't be good enough.

Thanks 365'ers!
June 3rd, 2011
You know what you really need, imo? To have faith in yourself :)

The rest will come naturally. Also, the lens helps, haha.
June 3rd, 2011
@becksesme Have a good lens too imo, especially in a bar there wont be a lot of light to work with. The external flash will help but if youre trying to get candid shots it will still be difficult w/o a fast lens

Also, be careful working in a bar.. Its a good place to get things stolen if you leave anything laying around.
June 3rd, 2011
Have a couple of trial runs, and then you'll know for sure where if any you need to tweak, I would use natural light whenever possible, also if you can get a reflector to help (you may need an assistant to hold and direct this). The nightclub will obviously be devoid of natural light so a flash will be essential to freeze the moment, maybe try a long exposure shot it may give the illusion of a busy vibrant place
June 3rd, 2011
I would definitely advise staking out the location prior to the events, so you're prepared for where and what is interesting and you know what the lighting conditions are like. Also, make sure you speak at length about the type of shots your clients want, so you're on the same page.
June 3rd, 2011
@indiannie_jones . Well said young man!!!!
June 3rd, 2011
@nikkers *scratches self*
June 3rd, 2011
@indiannie_jones . lmao. can you tell me why men do that??? in front of women ? like we want to see them do that??
June 3rd, 2011
@nikkers I don't know that they're consciously doing it... I had a friend who picked her wedgies ALL THE TIME without even stopping to think that we could all see it.

In related news, I have a mosquito bite on my chest. I must scratch it. What to do?
June 3rd, 2011
I shoot headshots with a single flash, mostly used off camera on a lightstand, umbrella. I've gotten paid for them and the subjects like them, so I'd say that's all you really need. The rest is technique. Good to have a lens that can throw the background out of focus, too. As for nightclub shots, if you're using a flash, you don't need a 2.8 lens or uber expensive low light lens. I shot club photos with my nIkon 18-70 kit lens at 4.5 or 5.6 and the owner loved them. I shot rear curtain sync flash to allow the club's lighting in the photo with a slow shutter speed and then froze the subject with the flash at the end of the exposure. My advice - practice practive practice. (I went to the club on an off night and did some test shots before the actual night I was getting paid for.)
June 3rd, 2011
@indiannie_jones .

Well being the modest lady that I a, I would close all the curtains.. lock the doors shove a hankie in the key hole and make sure you are alone..
Then I would remove only my overcoat and then scratch your itch with a yard stick.....
But thats just me.. Im special that way!!!
June 3rd, 2011
@nikkers Hahahaha, yeah, that's what you would do :D
June 4th, 2011
@indiannie_jones ..
heheheehe hope your itch has gone...
June 4th, 2011
It has :) but now I just have another 73 on my arms, back, legs and hands. I love summer! (that last bit was said sarcastically) @nikkers
June 4th, 2011
@indiannie_jones . The day I arrived back in Oz from the UK, I stopped counting the mossie bites at 36.. it was terrible. I need to live in a green house.. get the warmth and sun.. but not bugs.. lol
June 4th, 2011
@indiannie_jones @3nder @griff @vikdaddy Thankyou.. thats all really really helpful! .. you make me feel better and like I'm not as far off as i think i am! .. thanks so much!
June 4th, 2011
@bgphoto Thankyou for your help. I think i may go into the club on a thursday or something before the busy saturday to have a go! .. I guess its all trial and error! thankyou!
June 4th, 2011
@becksesme sure thing, any questions let me know. My April 18 and April 20 photos were from a club with a sigle flash and an 18-70 mm lens. i used a flash bracket to raise the flah up and shot full manual.
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