
June 20th, 2011
I am just starting out in photography so I havent bought a DSLR yet but i have a Canon SX 310 is. The guy at the camera shop told me that this camera is kind of between a regular point and shoot and the DSLR. (I told him I didn't think I was ready for a DSLR yet) Anyways, it has a lot of pretty cool features from what I can tell...yes I know its not even close to being as good as the ones most of y'all use but I would really appreciate some tips on getting great angles and any other tips you have to help make a great photo. I love beautiful photography and I would love to be able to produce it. I have always heard that it isn't necessarily the camera you use, it is the way you take the please help me "take the photo".
June 20th, 2011
make sure when you look into the view finder.. you "see" the end picture... rather than just point and shoot..
take time to set the shot up...
dont be afraid to look silly when taking the shot.. more times than I can remember I have been caught with my arse up in the air, shooting ants or flowers etc.
Dont be afraid to take pictures of everyday things.... you would be amazed how cool a fork can look if you set it up right.

Trying to get "the " photo of the year is everyones wish, but hard to do,, even the pros use edit programs...
Most of all ,, have fun. play round with your camera, get real familiar with it, and
I always go the the idea that it still takes over 100 photos to get a couple ' good" ones and maybe one awesome one....

oh also photography like most art is in the eye of the beholder... what I like , you may not.. and vice verse, so please yourself, before trying to please others....
June 20th, 2011
there is a great photographic principle called the rule of thirds it would be wise to learn as you will very quickly understand what makes a shot stand out here is an article about it
June 20th, 2011
A great photograph is one that fully expresses what one feels, in the deepest sense, about what is being photographed. ~ Ansel Adams

Twelve significant photographs in any one year is a good crop. ~ Ansel Adams

have fun. shoot lots.
June 20th, 2011
I always browse portfolios with a vengeance to learn ;-)
June 20th, 2011
Keep asking questions, and wonder how someone took that picture, then 365 will be a great learning experience. Grandma says "that imitation is the best form of flattery" . When you see something you like try it , and put your ideas into it. Have Fun!
June 20th, 2011
@missvicki i saw lots of great photos and thought "oooo i wanna try that" but then i felt like i would be a copy that not bad? So many people have done so many beautiful and brilliant creative photos and i feel like like creativity is limited, so where do i begin.

Thanks everyone for yalls help. i know i need all i can get! :)
June 20th, 2011
Carry your camera with you everywhere, and be on the lookout for scenic things, unusual things, funny things.... anything you see that's interesting that you want to capture. Learn about all of the different settings on your camera, how/when to use them, and how to access them quickly when you need them! Most of all, be on 365 as much as you can. There are lots of people here who are eager to help out.
June 20th, 2011
@ronah thanks! quick i only supposed to be uploading one photo a day? i have so many and i have been playing around with the camera so is it stupid to post them on here seeing how it is a "post a photo a day for 365"?
June 20th, 2011
@sheilamcd329 it's not a problem at all to re-create someone else's image -- it's usually nice to say that you were inspired by X photo and make a link to the original photo, i'm sure the original person would be delighted that they have inspired you!
June 20th, 2011
I am also a beginner. I have learned lots from browsing others photos on here. When a photo strikes me, I think about what grabs my attention, and what can I learn from the photo. I have lots and lots of favorites because I mostly favorite photos I want to learn from. I go back to my favorites on a regular basis and learn things I didn't catch on first viewing. Also, if you ask a feloow 365er how they created a photo, they will usually try to help.

A second source of learning is the beginners section of DigitalPhotographySchool
I browse their articles and learn lots.
June 20th, 2011
I am really impressed with this site! I got on here just because i was bored and i wanted a reason to post pictures. I had absolutely no idea how helpful and nice everyone on here would be. This is kind of addicting actually! ;)
June 20th, 2011
Here is a link to a discussion about media influences and how it is or isn't plagarism.
As for this site being addicting, well lets just say some people on here have taken self-imposed timeouts so they can actually concentrate on real life!
June 20th, 2011
@shadesofgrey thank you very much! that helped a lot. and as far as real life i am actually at work right now and i cannot stay off of here!
June 21st, 2011
Not that I'm an expert, but something I continually notice in other people's photographs that annoys me is when they haven't bothered to remove the extra clutter/crap that's crept into their frame. I think if it doesn't add to the shot, get rid of it because it can be so distracting, takes the eye away from your intended subject and looks 'unprofessional'.

eg. if you're taking a photo on an object on a table, make sure there's no other random things around it, behind it or beside it. Of course it isn't always possible to remove things that you don't want in a photo, but try and find a way to minimise their impact in the final shot eg. try shooting from several different angles/perspectives.
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