Pics for the 4th of July?

June 30th, 2011
I'm going to be out and about quite a bit on the 4th, because my little town has quite a bit going on, and I'd like some tips and suggestions for shooting various things.

The morning starts with a parade, followed by several different events in the park (barbecue, fundraising, a water balloon launcher, someone spinning yarn...). From 5:00 to midnight+ there are a few local bands performing outdoors, stopping for fireworks (which are done over the community pool). I should have pretty decent access to the stage area, because I work for a radio station and we're one of the sponsors (many of the pictures from all of this will be on our webpage, too).

I'm using a Canon 300D, and I have a kit lens and a 50mm EF lens, as well.

Suggestions? :)
June 30th, 2011
Pictures of sparklers at a long shutter speed are always fun. Reflections of the fireworks into the pool might be really nice too!
June 30th, 2011
@cohare Can you please explain to me what long shutter speed means in layman terms :)
June 30th, 2011
@cohare I hadn't considered reflection pictures! :) That's a great idea!

@terek55 I think she meant long-exposure. My camera will let me set it to up to 30 seconds.
July 1st, 2011
@terek55 I am a layman...and have no idea how to properly talk photography. Sorry. I meant a slow shutter speed or long exposure....I just combined the two terms! :)
July 1st, 2011
@cohare I'm just learning myself. :D So yay for combining and learning and all that good stuff!
July 1st, 2011
When shooting fireworks, a tripod is a necessity. Remote control, or better yet a cable release would be good in terms of timing. I shot fireworks for the first time last year, and hope I have learned something to improve upon this year. f11 @ 4 seconds and ISO 100 worked well from where I was sitting.
July 2nd, 2011
@noaceyet Unfortunately, neither my tripod or my remote will be delivered in time. :( I think I may be able to jimmy something together, though... Thank you for the input! :D
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