Editing Pictures???

September 7th, 2011
I am sure that this is not a NEW topic but I would like some opinions on what each of you feel is the best editing software or program. Please give me your reasons because it would help me figure out what would be best for me. ~KeKe
September 7th, 2011
I use Photoshop CS4 most often. For quick editting or sheer laziness, I use Paint Dot Net, which is a free download. Photoshop gives me a lot of flexibility and works well with my touchscreen; Paint Dot Net is free and quick. :)
September 7th, 2011
CS5 is a lot of fun if you have the time and patience to learn it... Picnik for a quick edit....
September 7th, 2011
@keke1rosie no simple answer but it depends on the area of usage i.e. HDR, portraits, etc. and how technical you want to be i.e. layers, special effects, etc., if could you elaborate more? =)
September 7th, 2011
I use Picnik. It is easy to use and has quite a few options.
September 7th, 2011
There is no best, it is a combination of need and preference.
General Editing.
Photoshop CS5 is the most full featured program, but is expensive.
GIMP has most of the features photoshop has, is free; but is less user friendly.
Photoshop Elements is less full featured, but is also less expensive.
Paint Shop Pro is between CS5 and Elements, both in price and capability.
Photoshop is capable of producing amazing results, but experience and experimentation is needed.
I am playing with Silver Efex Pro 2 and like it. It gives a nice beginning, saving some work in photoshop.
I also like Topaz BW effects, it is simpler, but much less expensive.

HDR, I am a beginner at this. Google "Best HDR software" download the demos and decide for yourself.

For myself, if I could choose only one, it would be Photoshop CS5. I prefer to use multiple programs.
September 7th, 2011
I use Picnik for the quick edits and GIMP but I am definitely still learning it. GIMP is a free download and there are loads of tutorials online for it including on YouTube. I just never have enough time!
September 7th, 2011
@pamfromcalgary do you have a premium account with picnik?
September 7th, 2011
Kegan - try a 30-day trial of Lightroom 3. It is only about a 150MB download. For the price, I don't think you can beat it. I use it with CS5, but many people find that Lightroom does enough. It is also a great cataloging tool.
September 7th, 2011
@keke1rosie I really don't edit my shots all that much. I prefer to have the natural look to them
September 7th, 2011
I agree with jinximages
Lightroom maybe more than what you are looking for, but is designed for dealing with images from capture to output, whether that be web or print.

I have Lightroom and Photoshop, and would say that I only go to photoshop now if I want to add text (Lightroom allows you to but is a bit limited).

The develop module in lightroom is the same as in photoshop (Adobe Camera Raw) (I think they both handle jpeg and RAW).

If your not used to either programme both take a bit of learning.

I did see somewhere that Amazon had a deal on Lightroom, not sure if it is still going.
September 7th, 2011
Would like to throw Aperture into the mix... a brilliant program that goes much underloved ;) I've used Aperture as long as I can remember. The interface is wonderful and the clarity of what you're doing is great. It's perfect for beginners and you won't need the manual to understand how it all works and yet you can get really professional results. There are a lot of things you can't do - text, layers, etc - so depending on how much you want to be able to do with your photos it really might not be the right thing for you. (I think you might be able to get plug ins for all of that though - not sure. Only for use on apple computers by the way)
On the other hand, for dealing with light, colour, and so on it's brilliant and personally i find it's easier to get to grips with than GIMP. All my photos are edited on aperture so take a look if you're interested :) but there won't be a perfect answer to your question - depends what you need :)
September 7th, 2011
I also use Aperture and have come to like it very much! +1 Izzy!

September 7th, 2011
I use Lightroom 3 and love it, its very simple to use.
September 7th, 2011
@izzymathie @mgerst yep! Love Aperture!
September 7th, 2011
I am using CS5. It has a steep learning curve and I am sure that I am only scratching the surface as I keep finding articles online about all the thing you can do and I had no idea that existed! I have use Elements in the past and that was a great introduction to PS w/o the expense. I use layers on almost every photo as it allows me to put a "watermark" on there and adjust the opacitiy. I am sure that there is another way to get the same result without the layers but I am familiar with PS now so I like it. There are a ton on helpful videos, articles and websites on the web about it too, so you can self educate!
September 7th, 2011
i do 95% of my editing on Aperture which i love, so user friendly! and the rest either picnik or ps Elements depending on what i want to do.
September 7th, 2011
i use adobe elements 9 for the bulk of my editing- it is less expensive than the full photoshop version, and in my opinion, has everything i need. It is easy to use and you can add enhancements without a lot of trouble. I also use picnik for some finishing touches...i paid the $19 us for the upgrade and it has been well worth it....HTH:)
September 7th, 2011
@4stories That sounds like what I might do. I planned on getting the Premium account in Picnik and looking into Adobe elements 9 or Lightroom 3. So thanks!! I am a beginner and I need SIMPLE:)
September 7th, 2011
@mgerst @cfitzgerald @laurentye oh lovely lol, you're the first fellow aperture users i've come across :p three cheers x
September 7th, 2011
@keke1rosie What computer do you use?
September 8th, 2011
@izzymathie I use mostly a Toshiba.
September 8th, 2011
most of the time for images on here i use picasa from google, occasionally photoshop cs5, but found picasa can do a lot and is simple to use, and can show my friends what can be done at low cost. for photos taken with my phone, i use the photoshop app most of the time, of filterstorm (iphone app, not sure if it is android or not).
September 8th, 2011
i have AdobePhotoshop elem. 9,picnik and picasa-i used picnik most of the time-:)
September 8th, 2011
@cchambers @jodimuli Thank you:) I think for sure I will start with Picnik and I am thinking about Adobe Element 9.
September 11th, 2011
I use Picnik (free version)... I cant pay for the other stuff. (only 12...). Although most of my images are black and white... On my iPod I use PhotoShop lite. Maybe i will try using another editing program (:
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