Today I was looking after my 3 year old grandson. I know it was one day early to extend our lockdown bubble but my son (Dad) was getting over trying to work with two toddlers in the house. The two of us discovered a bee laying on the tiles outside. We brought it inside and gave it some honey to see if it revived. It did seem to perk up a bit so we took it outside and put it on some blossoms. Not sure it revived enough to fly away, but a good exercise in care of animals for a through and through farm boy.
@robz Thanks Rob. I am pretty sure he does love being at our place. We spent the whole day playing! He was exhausted when he went home though. The things you do when a grandparent rather than a parent!!
Lovely to be able to do this with your grandson…..I expect you both really enjoyed your informal lesson. The very best age for a grandchild in my opinion.