Chronicles from the street #8 by domenicododaro

Chronicles from the street #8

Undeniably, some were happy. For going out so often as never before, sure. But, above all, for having their mixed herd together most of the time. Farewell to the long, boring hours alone in a luxurious empty lair.
So true, our furry friends are happy but also sometimes confused that their humans are home all of the time. Great image
April 8th, 2020  
The light on the woman, the spring in the dog's steps -- yes, tells a story.
April 8th, 2020  
Where are my four legged friends, want to have a play, a run, going crazy, running in circles.....
April 8th, 2020  
I always enjoy your thoughtful photos and commentary. Louise and Ken suggested I follow you. Excellent suggestion! We missed our trip to Italy this year. We'll be back next!
April 8th, 2020  
@leonbuys83 Thanks a lot, Leon.
@jyokota Thank you very much, Junko!
@angelikavr I bet... they will be mad when you will be back!
@wendytel Thank you very much! Hope we will meet then!
April 8th, 2020  
So poignant!
April 8th, 2020  
One of my daughters favourite breeds of hound. Having said that, at the age of 20 she has more "favourite" breeds of dog that I would have thought possible. I think she just wants more dogs in the house and I can't say I blame her.
Excellent image as always, I particularly like the way the light falls on her coat and that the dog is obviously looking for traffic ;)
April 8th, 2020  
And that little fellow looks boundlessly chirpy - for all the reasons you say, no doubt.
April 8th, 2020  
Looks like a long road to cross for those short legs
April 9th, 2020  
Our four-legs is very happy to have us home.
April 9th, 2020  
@wag864 Thank you!
@graemestevens I agree almost on all account with your daughter. Yet, with our Ala in her 16th year, the fear she will soon not be with us anymore is increasing... Thank you and yes, of course he’s raising the leg to stop the next car!
@helenhall he looked lively, indeed! Thank you!
@jgpittenger but full of energy, nonetheless!
@golftragic They are, indeed!
April 10th, 2020  
@domenicododaro Kyra was away from us working in the UK for all of takes some getting used to. And then she came back and that's taking some getting used to as well!
April 10th, 2020  
@graemestevens Oh ehm, I fear there has been a little misunderstanding here, lol. Ala is our four legged daughter... the two legged is Greta and she is in her 21st and left us for Milan in 2018, which was a trauma! Now she’s being stuck in house with us in Rome for the quarantine and it’s not such a trauma but for her it takes some getting used to for sure! Thanks for sharing!
April 12th, 2020  
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