13th January 2022 by emmadurnford

13th January 2022

1 year, 284 since the start of the 1st lock down in March 2020.

Today has military planning tonsure that we managed to get everything done. First thing after breakfast I finished making the lemon flan for dessert tonight when Mum and Ian arrive later in the day. Next it was out to the Post Office to post Izzy’s picture I made. Bins were emptied and along with the recycling put out for collection tomorrow. All was going well and we stopped briefly for an early lunch, planning to catch a train at around 2.00pm to travel up town for Colin’s MRI scan. This point the day went pear-shape. By chance I saw a comment on Twitter that trains were disrupted due to a fatality on the line at Raynes Park. We hastily got ready and left early to catch a bus to Richmond and then the District line to South Kensington. We made it with perfect timing.

I dropped off Colin at the hospital and as I am not allowed to accompany him, I decided to spend some time in the Natural History Museum. It was actually a lovely day with a blue sky and bright sun but pretty chilly. I treated myself to a coffee at the museum and then wandered back to the hospital as we had estimated that Colin should be out by 4-4.15.

In the event he had more tests and scans and did not come out until 4.45. In the meantime Mum had texted and I could see she was only half an hour away from reaching our house! Luckily the key safe which has proved invaluable was the saviour and she and Ian could get into the house and I had left tea and biscuits for them.

We started our journey home but the trains were still disrupted so we had to take the tube toRichmond, first bus stop was very busy so we walked to the bus station a little distance away. Now it was 5.30pm and we eventually got home at just before 6.00pm! A brief chat before we had to go next door and be witnesses for our neighbours new wills and then it was finally home where I made dinner for us all served just after 7.30pm.

Finally we could sit down and have a chat although as it was such an early alarm for tomorrow, we went to bed at a reasonable time - I knew I would not sleep very well!
Lovely view of that iconic entrance hall.
January 19th, 2022  
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