6th June 2024 by emmadurnford

6th June 2024

Up and out at a reasonable today as I was dropping Colin at his physio appointment and then I had a hair cut booked for 10.00am with Steph over in Hampton. As I was quite early I went to Squires to look at the car situation (after they let three independent sellers ‘go’ over a year ago). It doesn’t look a good display so I’m wondering whether to try and get back in there again.

Hair trimmed and Kevin the Yorkie likes to come and sit either on my lap or in hs basket when I’m being shorn. Afterwards it was into the Landmark to pick up a few things and then back home for coffee.

Afterwards we popped into Kingston so Colin could get a new iron.

It was photo club in the evening and everyone seemed pleased to see me. I’m reading this back to myself and realising how boring it sounds after our recent travels!
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