7th June 2024 by emmadurnford

7th June 2024

I had a spurt of activity this morning! I have got so annoyed about four cupboard doors that we have had for probably over fifteen years but have been living in c cardboard boxes gradually being moved around the house. A couple of years after the kitchen was put in (so many many years ago), some cupboard doors started distorting after being in contact with a bit of water. We complained and were sent new doors which never quite made it to being reinstalled. Apparently it would be very tricky!

Having found my own drill and getting Colin to find my drill bits that he had squirrelled away in the garage, I decided to go for it. Nothing to lose as they’ve been sat in the boxes for years. It was a bit tricky and the measurement for drilling for the door handles had to be very precise - one needed a bit of re-work! After 1.75 hours work of measuring, drilling and making holes bigger with my braddle - that is all it took - all found doors hand the handles put on and were rehung and they look excellent although I say it myself. I was hoping for a bit of recognition or even joy but pretty much nothing when Colin came home - I think he may be feeling a bit guilty as it obviously wasn’t that difficult after all.

A rather subdued trip around Sainsbury’s this afternoon as I’m sick of spending a large amount locally for a meal at a time.

This is the Royal Legions building on the High Street which looks so impressive decked out with American, Canadiana and British flags in commemoration of the 80th anniversary of the D-Day Landings yesterday.
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