I went quietly down to the pasture without the dog in the hopes of grabbing some nice shots of sheep grazing peacefully before they saw me. Once they see me they tend to either run over to me thinking I have grain, or run up to the barn thinking that it is time to go in.
Regardless, they do not continue to graze individually but are a big mass of sheep that is not at all photogenic.
This girl saw me right away and I was only able to get two shots ... grrr! She is about two months away from lambing but from the look of her, she is carrying twins or triplets.
Aww, they are so beautiful! I love how she is looking right at you, what a sweet little face she has, fav. I am surprised to read that she is lambing in the winter. Most lamb here late winter/early spring.. How cold do your winters get Wendy? @farmreporter
@stephanies We have sheep that are able to lamb year around. They are called Rideau-Arcotts and were developed right here in Canada at the Agricultural Research Centre in Ottawa (A R C OTT) which is how they got their name!
It does get cold here, but we lamb in the barn so they are protected from the elements. Lambs do okay as long as they suckle quickly. Makes for a lot of long nights during the lambing season though as I get up to check on them every couple of hours.
It does get cold here, but we lamb in the barn so they are protected from the elements. Lambs do okay as long as they suckle quickly. Makes for a lot of long nights during the lambing season though as I get up to check on them every couple of hours.