Having a good time is a part of Filipino culture.
Music and dancing expresses an underground
culture and shows the versatility of
Filipino youth.
This a collaboration of my daughter and I for this theme Culture.
My daughter is wearing a costume for a folk dance called Fandango.
This popular dance originates from Lubang Island, Mindoro in Visayas. 'Pandanggo sa ilaw' means 'Fandango with light'.The term pandanggo comes from the Spanish word fandango, which is a dance characterized by marking time with a clack of castanets, snapping of fingers, and stomping of feet in triple-time rhythm.
And for my costume, this is for a dance called Cariñosa.
The cariñosa is a Philippine folk dance of Hispanic origin. It is closely associated with the island of Panay and the Visayas region in general. The word cariñosa is from the Spanish cariñosa meaning the affectionate one. Most Filipina women can be described as karinyosa.