This lovely specimen pushed right up out of the path, a message perhaps. As I write and think about the sacred this month (thank-you Kathy for looking up what the word even means!), I find that jealousy is a recurring theme.
I find that I am intensely jealous of others who have more connection to the sacred than I have. I am intensely jealous of those who receive messages and signs from above. They are so sure that God is speaking to them. They wait for these signs, pray for these signs, and then pounce on them when they arrive, devouring them eagerly and joyfully, even when the signs tell them what they'd rather not know.
But I don't really have to be jealous. If I looked for divine messages in this way, I'm sure I would find them also. I'm sure that I would see each mushroom in my path as being set there specifically by God so that I could notice it and receive a message sent directly to me. The little fungus would acquire meaning and be a gift. I also would then rejoice at having been singled out by infinite divinity however irritable I might get at the indirectness of the messaging.
I don't see any particular conclusion to these musings. Poets also receive messages from mushrooms that suddenly appear in their paths. I'd like to be a poet, I think.