Here's another new thing about taking pictures of people: you don't pick pictures using the same criteria. I probably took six or seven pictures while they were standing by the horses. This is not the "best" one by any means. But it's the best picture of J. Jr. smiling (sometimes a rare event).
After feeling at a loss, Joe finally took matters into his own hands and said, "we're going to the beach in 15 minutes." Well, it look a bit longer. And we were there for longer than the planned two hours as Liam's perception of walking for one hour was wrong... So, M. is burned to a crisp. But the boys made a fabulous scorpion entity in the sand and we got in the water and...later all came home and snoozed for a minute or two. Then the boys went fishing and I read a book.
So I am so late with your challenge, but we had a funeral and that consumes more time then I espected. I like you to make a high key photo, I hope you lije the challenge.