Josh by ggshearron


Met Josh at the corner of Gay & High street in Columbus, Ohio. He was standing there, leaning on a scooter in this cool pose, so I asked for his pic. As we spoke, I found he is very interested in remodeling of old Lincolns and Mercedes, with some radical ideas he would like to try, in the process of tricking out these cars. Although he seemed like an okay guy, my "sixth sense" told me he had a bit of an "edge" to him, so after a few moments, I began my exit strategy. We said our goodbyes and I took off down the street....all of a sudden, bamn! He was right there, on my left side, out of nowhere! I DID get a little scared in that moment, but was able to keep my cool, not let it show, and told him I had to cross the street at the next light, which seemed to get rid of him. Potential crisis averted. This is only the second time I have had a scare, but now that I am older, gotta try to be even more careful than I usually am.
Great shot. Yeah, seems sort of strange that he would just all of a sudden come chasing you down. Glad you got away without any incidence.
July 4th, 2024  
That is one major concern I get with talking to random people with my camera gear with me!
July 4th, 2024  
Nice shot. Too bad he had to scare you.
July 4th, 2024  
@danette 😄😄 @frodob you can do it, this is only the second time in about 6 years that I have been concerned. Go shoot!
July 4th, 2024  
Wonderful portrait. Josh has an intense glance.
July 4th, 2024  
@corinnec yes he does!
July 4th, 2024  
Good shot but his eyes are a bit intimidating. Glad you were able to get away without incident.
July 4th, 2024  
Intense portrait
July 4th, 2024  
Amazing expression captured! Be careful and keep shooting :>)
July 4th, 2024  
Cool portrait. Or maybe he sensed your fears and wanted to scare you.
July 4th, 2024  
Very intense look. I like the back story of how vulnerable you can be taking photos of total strangers.
July 4th, 2024  
Nice one
July 4th, 2024  
Great capture of expression and depth, well done!
July 4th, 2024  
Well, you got a really just get better & better, but I understand the careful out there, my friend.
July 4th, 2024  
Another great portrait. Glad you got away - always listen to your 6th sense!
July 4th, 2024  
Something in those eyes but not sure what. Nice potrait
July 4th, 2024  
@k9photo @julie Yes, yes!
July 4th, 2024  
@granagringa Thank you so much for the compliment, and I definitely WILL be careful out there! But, like I have said before, this is fun!
July 4th, 2024  
@vincent24 @pdulis thank you
July 4th, 2024  
@ankers70 appreciate you
July 4th, 2024  
@haskar Hmmmm.....
July 4th, 2024  
It definitely does seem like a strange encounter, odd behavior. Glad you are ok and you did get a good portrait.
July 4th, 2024  
Great portrait
July 4th, 2024  
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