What Was I Thinking?! by grammyn

What Was I Thinking?!

Pink day. Probably the easiest photo of the month as I love anything pink so had lots of choices. I decide on this seaglass quilt I foolishly decided to make for my great granddaughter before she was born. She will be two in two weeks!

You see how far I have come with it! Cutting out all those little pieces was time consuming and I imagine stitching them onto the backiin will be equally time consumiong but I am determined to finish it. Perhaps for the next great granddaughter
Oh my.That looks like a lot of work. It will be beautiful.
June 23rd, 2024  
That looks like a massive amount of work-however, I think your great granddaughter will like this at any age so whenever you finish it, you should give it to her!
June 23rd, 2024  
nice shapes and colours
June 23rd, 2024  
You are patient and precise as all these small pieces of fabric demonstrate. It will be a gorgeous quilt!
June 23rd, 2024  
Wow. Fun shot with all the little pieces. The quilt will be beautiful. I hope GGD#1 won't get jealous.
June 23rd, 2024  
You got that title right! It looks adorable, though. 😊
June 24th, 2024  
June 24th, 2024  
My Mom and Grandmother loved Pink!!!
June 24th, 2024  
Oh this looks stunning Katy, I love the colours and patterns. That will take forever to put together I should imagine.
June 24th, 2024  
I hope we get to see the finished product, it looks fabulous!
June 24th, 2024  
It will look like a master painting and a great gift for the newborn girl when it's ready.
June 24th, 2024  
June 24th, 2024  
Beautiful colors. Whoever gets it will love it.
June 24th, 2024  
I've never heard of a seaglass quilt. It looks like a whale of a lot of work, but knowing you, it will eventually get finished (unlike something I foolishly thought I would sew for my niece many long years ago. I got ONE quilt block finished. End of sewing for me!) This will look fantastic!
June 24th, 2024  
Looks amazing but was IS a sea glass quilt? I can feel your happiness and anticipation. We are off to see the twins on the weekend. Can’t wait
June 24th, 2024  
@shutterbug49 it is more labor intensive than I thought it would be and I hope it will be beautiful when I am done
@olivetreeann it is already more work than I planned it to be but someone will get it for sure if I ever finish it
@phil_howcroft thank you so much Phil
@corinnec Not sure you have the right girl with all those adjectives Corinne but thanks
@randystreat thank you Kathy She probably won;t even know it was intended for her
@marilyn ♥ thanks!
@lynnz thank you so much Lynn
@brillomick then I am in good company Mickey
@ludwigsdiana that means so much to me Diana. It will probably take longer than I would like for certain
@kjarn I hope you do to Kathy Thank you so much
@sangwann Wow! What a wonderfully nice thing to say! thank you Dione
@kwind I really appreciate that Kim
@darchibald Aww thanks Dave that is so nice of you to say
@mcsiegle LOL I see what you did there! I am not always a finisher either. Google seaglass quilts there is one on Etsy for $275. THIS will not be one of those!
@rensala Oh Renee I am getting excited for you to be able to see them. Thank you for the kind words about the quilt. Seaglass is just the little odd shapes pattern that look a little like seaglass
June 25th, 2024  
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