Lazy by grammyn


While I was shopping today I left the door open so the dogs could go in and out and didn't think I had to worry about the screen being open too. I was wrong. After supper tonight I noticed this fly and he was being just lazy enough for me to get my camera and take a few shots He didn't hold still enough to prevent a little blur though.
You did not say that you were at least six foot away. Good shot.
January 25th, 2012  
@after12 Thanks for your comments.
January 25th, 2012  
Love the detail in the wings and it's legs.
January 25th, 2012  
@deburahiru Thank you, Deb! I appreciate it.
January 25th, 2012  
She came out of the cold....lots of details...a bit of green on the wing.
January 25th, 2012  
@bruni It was warmer outside than inside, Bruni. We had 70F today!
January 25th, 2012  
Nice catch there! I think that I would have killed it first and then said, "Oh I just ruined a photo op!" lol
January 25th, 2012  
@grammyn Oh..where abouts are you..
January 25th, 2012  
Gives me the heebee geebees! It looks enormous!!!!
January 25th, 2012  
A little blur but still a great closeup! One reason I like the bugs!
January 25th, 2012  
Fabulous close-up! He looks so furry and his wings look all "veiny!" Great details... :)
January 25th, 2012  
Great close up and detail.
January 25th, 2012  
@karenann LOL! Thanks, KarenAnn. If I hadn't needed one more shot for the day he might have been out the door!
January 25th, 2012  
@bruni Alabama
January 25th, 2012  
@jennwearing He was a little on the fat side. Probably about 5/8 of an inch long.
January 25th, 2012  
@debsphotos Thanks, Debbie. It was the least blurry of the 10 or so that I took. I didn't set up the tripod because I was afraid he would fly away so I had to do the best I could with unsteady hands! ;~}
January 25th, 2012  
January 25th, 2012  
@marilyn Thanks, sissy! Aside from the blur I was pleased. I had a front shot where you could see his proboscis better except for the blur so I went with this one.
January 25th, 2012  
@darsphotos It was a little tricky and I really should have used a tripod but didn't have the time to set it up without losing the shot entirely. Thanks, Darlene.
January 25th, 2012  
@trumpetman Thanks! You like it because it is a bug, don't you Mike?! ;~}
January 25th, 2012  
@debsphotos I keep forgetting to thank you for starting that thread the other day! My morning routine is so much faster now that I don't have to keep scrolling over and over again through all the posts I missed overnight. I love you Debbie Orlando!!!
January 25th, 2012  
Some bugs are fun!
January 25th, 2012  
@trumpetman I have to agree. I have done several in my project but this is the most commonplace one!
January 25th, 2012  
Some really good detail in that shot.
January 25th, 2012  
Welcome to my parlor said the photographer to the fly. If you let me shoot you, I promise you won't die.
January 25th, 2012  
Great shot! It reminds me of the movie "The Fly", and it gives me the creeps. Fantastic shot!
January 25th, 2012  
@grammyn -- Why thanks! Glad to help. Yes, going thru photos is much easier now. :-) Love ya back!
January 25th, 2012  
@hankinsphoto Thanks, Steve. I appreciate it very much.
January 26th, 2012  
@otdafot LOL! That is exactly what happened too!
January 26th, 2012  
@jennabug Thanks. IT was a pretty big fly to start with and the new camera did the rest!
January 26th, 2012  
January 26th, 2012  
No matter if it's slightly blurry or not, catching a fly is an amazing thing..
January 28th, 2012  
@chasingwishes Thanks, Stacey. No blur is a goal. ;~}
January 28th, 2012  
@grammyn Have you ever seen that email of a person that had a bunch of dead flies and posted them doing all kinds of funny things? OOh I found it
February 5th, 2012  
@chasingwishes Thanks for the link. some of therm are very cute and clever!
February 5th, 2012  
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