The end of year 2 by halkia

The end of year 2

6.52 pm: We said goodbye to the old year with the girls by lighting sparklers in the backyard before bath and bedtime. I love their solemn little faces in this photo.

The end of this year signals the end of the second year of my project! I did it: I managed to finish my 2012 project on Dec 31 after getting behind several times the past few months. Only three fillers this year, all in the second half.

I didn't get as much out of this year's project as I did out of last year's. I wasn't active much in the community and didn't join any challenges or expand my skills in a significant way. I have been having health problems since March which has drained my energy and affected my inspiration.

I did enter a whole new dimension of photography when I got an iPhone late August. Since that day about 80% of my project has been shot with the iPhone camera. It probably saved my project, because after 20 months of shooting daily with my Canon I wasn't that eager anymore to pick it up.

So this is 2012 wrapped up. I will continue in 2013 but I have no idea in which way and frequency yet. The last thing I want is the project to become a burden, so we will see what the future brings.

Thanks everyone who has been viewing and commenting on my photos, especially my followers. Hope to see everyone again in 2013. Happy New Year!
Once again lovely daughters. Happy new year and glad you won't be totally gone. Sure hope your health picks up soon
December 31st, 2012  
great take
glad you are staying on.
each year brings new ideas and ways to be involved, i find.
hope your health improves greatly this year.
December 31st, 2012  
Happy new year Judith!
December 31st, 2012  
Wonderful shot of your girls.
Happy New Year.
December 31st, 2012  
Wat een mooie foto, dochter, van jouw dochters!
Goed dat je doorgaat!
Happy New Year to you, your hubby and your lovely daughters!
December 31st, 2012  
I love this photo. And I appreciate your self reflection. This project is open to all sorts of motivations and skills. I haven't become a fabulous photographer, but I've taken many hikes, and found many new wonders in nature. That is good for my physical and mental health, as well as my creativity. The project has become more like an artist's diary/sketchbook, and a way to connect with a very creative, supportive group of people. The best in 2013!
December 31st, 2012  
Congrats Judith & really glad you'll be around for 2013 - I haven't decided whether to ease off or go all out yet - I'd like to go all out but I'm all out of inspiration!
December 31st, 2012  
Happy New Year Judith! Congrats on completion the project and hope to see you again here. I loved you b&w series and your 30 selfies :)
January 1st, 2013  
Judith, gelukkig nieuwjaar voor jou en je gezin. en wat een prachtige eindejaarsfoto.
Ik maak me toch wel zorgen over je, dat je nu al vanaf maart niet fit bent. Ik hoop dat 2013 je je energie mag herbrengen en dat je weer stralend, én prachtige foto's makend door het leven kunt gaan.
January 1st, 2013  
Wonderful lighting on this one. See you on the other side ;)!
January 1st, 2013  
Congratulations for completing your second year. I hope 2013 brings you better health and happy memories
January 1st, 2013  
Wat een Engeltjes! Ik ben ook nog maar een paar foto's verwijderd van het slot van jaar 2, en ik herken veel van wat je beschrijft. Ik schiet ook bijna alleen nog maar met iPhone. Twijfel sterk of ik nog doorga in jaar drie...
January 5th, 2013  
ik miste je al... ben eens even op zoek gegaan! het blijft inderdaad moeilijk om vol te houden...maar hier doet morgen de iphone zijn intrede...misschien een redding? :-)
January 7th, 2013  
congratulations on completing Year 2! I love your photos, and wish you and your family good health and joy!
January 8th, 2013  
Absolutely gorgeous!!!! Congrats for finishing a second year!!!!
January 9th, 2013  
jammer dat je geen foto's meer plaatst Judith!
February 23rd, 2013  
Mooie eerste? foto van dit project. Of is het nog een probeersel uit 2014?
December 31st, 2014  
Dit is mijn laatste foto uit 2012 @gertveld! Ik heb dit project ook in 2011 en 2012 gedaan. Mijn moeder trouwens ook!
December 31st, 2014  
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