Lily RIP by happypat

Lily RIP

After almost nineteen years our little cat Lily is no longer with us.
She worsened badly yesterday so this morning Harry took her to the vet to be put down.
The house seems very empty without her tonight.
Born the day after we moved here, one of six kittens but chosen by our eldest son & family as their cat. They didn't know at the time but she had a very bent back which was only noticeable after she had grown a bit.
After they moved to NZ she came back into our side of the house.
One morning she was sleeping on the engine of the milking machine, probably warm, Harry went in at 6am in the dark, switched the milking machine on for milking & felt something hit his legs. It was Lily, her tail was such a mess she had to have it amputated.
None of these things affected her joy of life nor her health.

She is buried in the field next to Jenny, Tui & Henry.

Thank you Lily for being such a sweetheart.
Always so sad to lose a family member. Sounds like she had a good life, apart from the milking machine incident
March 20th, 2018  
Aww, so sorry to read this post Pat. 19 years is a long time to have a pet in your family and I'm sure she'll be missed.
March 20th, 2018  
So sorry for your loss, Pat. It's always heartbreaking when we lose our beloved pets
March 20th, 2018  
Your lovely photos make a fitting tribute. Sorry for your loss.
March 20th, 2018  
So sorry to read your sad news! It sounds like you have lots of wonder memories to treasure! Big hug- I know it’s like loosing a member of your family!
March 20th, 2018  
This is really heart breaking, Pat...
March 20th, 2018  
A sad, sad day. I'm so sorry.
March 20th, 2018  
Oh I'm so sorry to hear you've lost Lily. What a joy she must have been and so many happy memories.
March 20th, 2018  
It's so sad when a pet dies. But memories are always good.
March 20th, 2018 sad time. But think of the joy she gave you and she you..jeans cat freddie had his tail off in an accident..but lived to tell the tale so to speak..xx
March 20th, 2018  
You always had a warm way of sharing stories about Lily and she certainly had regularly appeared on 365. I'm sure it will be a while before you truly realise she's not going to pop up from here or there. Love your collage.
March 20th, 2018  
Seeing your FB page, I thought I would see this here and am pleased to do so! Dear Lily - she had a good life with your family! It takes a while to forget the hole in your life. The inevitable happens though.
“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.” Anatole France
March 20th, 2018  
A lovely collage and a tribute to Lilly , A loss a very close and dear member of thie family is always so sad to bear . Virtual hugs at this sad time ! xx
March 20th, 2018  
A beautiful collage.
I'am so sorry for Lilly's passing, may she find comfort over the Rainbow Bridge.
Thinking of you.xx😑🌹
March 20th, 2018  
The loss of a 4 legged family member always leaves a hole - but also happy memories in time. Lovely collage tribute.
March 20th, 2018  
So sorry to hear about Lily. It sounds as if she led a very eventful life and enjoyed every minute of it.
March 20th, 2018  
What a sweet collage of memories. She was a dear cat, you can tell. She lived a long time, and I know she loved being your cat.
March 20th, 2018  
@brennieb 🤣🤣
March 20th, 2018  
Sorry to hear about Lily.
March 20th, 2018  
@yorkshirekiwi @nickspicsnz @carolmw @jokristina @pamknowler @gijsje @allie912 @busylady @mave @brennieb @sarah19 @maggiemae @beryl @skippysue @callymazoo @farmreporter

I don't like giving a mass rely but I have just replied to all on FB so I'm going to be naughty & do a reply to everyone en masse.

Such lovely heartfelt comments from every one of you, you are so kind. I realise I did use Lily lots of times in my posts over the years so you all knew her well.
We are missing her soecially tonight after we had been out, no cat to look up at us as we came in. We have no cat hairs anywhere but sadly no cat either. Some things are worth a bit of mess for.
We loved you Lily & you will never be forgotten!
March 20th, 2018  
Sad but she will have left joy through the memories of her.
March 20th, 2018  
Very sorry to hear this, never easy even when expected.
March 20th, 2018  
awwwwww you gave her a great life Pat, RIP
March 20th, 2018  
Oh Pat I am so sorry that Lily has used up the last of her nine lives. She spaced her lives out very well including a bent back and losing her tail. I am sure there will be lots of stories you can remember over the years and hopefully once the initial sadness has passed you will remember the good times.
March 21st, 2018  
It's easy to hear the love you have for Lily in your words. So many years and many more memories! Thank you for sharing.
March 21st, 2018  
I am very sorry.
March 21st, 2018  
What a beautiful tribute to a loved family member! :-)
March 21st, 2018  
Ah, so sad! Our pets are so precious and loved, RIP Lily
March 21st, 2018  
Oh Pat, I am so sorry. What a lovely tribute to the ups and downs of lovely Lily's life, I did enjoy reading about her. Much loved furry pals leave quite a space when they go. Sending all my love to you and yours.
March 21st, 2018  
What a lovely set of photo's of Lily and her special people ... They say that 'you' don't choose a cat ... the cat chooses you... and she chose your family to stick by for 19 years.. she will be missed..
March 21st, 2018  
Very sorry to hear this. Beautiful collage
March 21st, 2018  
I missed this . So so sorry for you r loss. It is funny how these small bundles of fur bury themselves into our hearts and become a part of the family. When they pass they leave a huge hole, as if missing a child. Big hugs and much love to you all
March 21st, 2018  
So sorry to hear about Lily. You'll miss her. Lovely set of images.
March 22nd, 2018  
You’re not going to be able to move away from that field. Such a lovely group of loved pets altogether- I might book a plot ;0) I bet that morning she got her tail stuck was chaotic!
March 23rd, 2018  
@judithg Yes you're right it is rather a special corner. Plenty of room for anyone else too!!
March 24th, 2018  
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